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APVA 2024 African Podcast and Voice Awards finalists announced

The Association of African Podcasters and Voice Artists (APVA) has announced the finalists in its 2024 African Podcast and Voice Awards.
Source: © APVA  The Association of African Podcasters and Voice Artists (APVA) has announced the finalists in its 2024 African Podcast and Voice Awards
Source: © APVA APVA The Association of African Podcasters and Voice Artists (APVA) has announced the finalists in its 2024 African Podcast and Voice Awards

A community-driven organisation that seeks to discover, amplify, and celebrate African voice/audio creatives, APVA is dedicated to fostering the growth and development of the audio-creative industry in Africa.

The APVA Awards highlight and celebrate the achievements of African voice talents while providing a platform for education, motivation, and mentorship.

The 2024 APVA Awards will take place on 27 and 28 September 2024.

The finalists

Podcast of the Year

- The Sandton Times @sandtontimes

- Mothers By Grace @mothersbygraceke

- The Young God Podcast @theyounggodpod

- The Sound of Accra Podcast @thesoundofaccra

- 234 Essential @234essential

- The Expansive Podcast @theexpansivepodcast

Spirituality Podcast

- The Chai Lounge @safeerakakaonair

- The Self Propelled Flower Podcast @tapiwans

- Teens talk with NIFEMI @teens_talkwithnifemi

- You Can Rest Here @youcanrestherepod

- WorshipGear Podcast @worshipgear_sa

Lifestyle and Entertainment Podcast

- In My Voice Podcast @abasbwana

-Bioscope Brass @bioscopebrassepodcast

- My bukka adventure @the_dimpledclaire

- African Couch Potato @africancouchpotato

- The Carol Ofori Podcast @carolofori

- The Spectrum Podcast @therealdanana

Health and Wellness Podcast

- Power of Sleep

- Heal Your Mind @mentalwellness_sa

- Being You @lisaraleigh

- MedxTex Podcast

Sport Podcast

- The Hindsight Podcast @thehindsightpod

- Working Title FC @workingtitlefc

- Nation FM @nationfm_kenya

- After The Whistle @atwpodcastgcr

Music Podcast

- That 80s Show SA@that_80sshow

- Quite the Ordinary Podcast @quitetheordinarypodcast

- The Tribe UG Podcast @thetribeug

- Bulela Podcast @bulelapodcast

- Afrobeats Weekly @afrobeatspod

- Shotgun Story @shotguntori

Relationship Podcast

- The Break Time Podcast @thebreaktime_podcast

- Conversation with Kalekye @conversationswithkalekye

- Mixed Feelings Over Mixed Drinks @selamandhello

- Three’s a Crowd Podcast @afrodaddyct

- Due Parenting @dueparentingpod

- Okay Kiasi @okaykiasi

News and Current Affairs Podcast

- Podcasts from the Edge @thepowertalkspodcast

- The TimesLIVE@solidgoldpods

- Just Us and the Climate

- Raw Conversations @rawconversationspodcast

- Investment terms @africabusinessradio

Technology and Innovation Podcast

- Power Talks @thepowertalkspodcast

- ZedAlpha @solidgoldpods

- Mtambo Podcast @mtambopodcast

- The Open Africa Podcast @openafricapod

Fiction Podcast

- Bookishamos @bookishamos

- The Comnerdic Podcast @ace_wondaz

- The Talking Phoenix @dtalkingphoenix

- Kenyan Stories @Daniel Duwa

- African Story Magic @eastcoastradio

Advocacy and Social Change Podcast

- Alternative Convos @Charles Kojo Vandyck

- Men in Motherland @meninmotherlandpod

- Comm - UNITY! Podcast

- Mazungumzo-African Scholarly Conversations

- Rising Above Shadows of Abuse @rasareal1

Crime Podcast

- Petty Crime South Africa @takeyourphil

- TimesLIVE Audio @timesliveza

- True Crime South Africa @truecrimesouthafrica

- Law & Omen @lawandomen

Comedy Podcast

- @thebreaktime_podcast

- @whatajokepod

- @therealdanana

- @convosandcocktails

- @gerdadesousa and @diannebroodryk

- @talkwithrams

Education Podcast

- Bookishamos @bookishamos

- The Educated Africana @africanawomanfestival

- EduThink by Education Incorporated

- What a Joke @whatajokepod

- The Mazungumzo - African Scholarly Conversations Podcast By Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa)

Career and Entrepreneurship Podcast

- The Curse Of The Creative Podcast @ultimatemedia_za

- The Entrepreneurs Lodge Podcast @mrtosinolomu

- Becoming the Product Podcast @becomingtheproductmanager

- Listen To Your Footsteps Podcast @kojobaffoe

- The One-Eyed Man Podcast @mikestopforth

- The Sound of Accra Podcast @AdrianDaniels

Society and Culture Podcast

- The Sound of Accra Podcast @thesoundofaccra

- StaybyPlan Podcast @staybyplanpod

- Alternative Convos @Charles Kojo Vandyck

- The Young God Podcast @theyounggodpod

- Eusebius on TimesLIVE @eusebius_mckaiser

- Africana Woman @africanawoman

Lifestyle and Entertainment Podcast

- Revenge of the forsaken gods Podcast @revengefgods

- The Mo Sibyl Podcast @themoresibylpodcast

- The Entrepreneurs Lodge Podcast @theelodge_

- Volatile Times @danielbriggz

- The Interweave Podcast @ interweave_podcast

- Mama Tales Podcast @mamatalespodcast

Finance Podcast

- Epokothweni @epokothweni

- MoneywebNOW

- The Marketing Pulse @themarketing_pulse

- Investment Terms @africabusinessradio

Children Podcast

- Solid Gold Story Time @solidgoldpods

- KaBrazen @KaBrazen

- Represented Podcast @africabusinessradio

- ZedAlpha

Podcast Art of the Year - Podcast

- Safari Conversations - The Singita Podcast @solidgoldpods

- Made In Africa @madeinafricapodcast

- In My Voice Podcast @abasbwana
- The Educated Africana @africanawoman

- Dangerously Honest @dangerouslyhonest

- Unspoken Podcast @unspo.kenpodcastke

Diasporan Podcast of the Year - Podcast

- Sambaza Podcast @sambazapodcast

- The Sangyin Podcast @sangyin_podcast_

- Afros In The Diaspora Podcast @afrosinthediaspora

- The Mo Sibyl Podcast @themoresibylpodcast

- Concrete Pastures Podcast @concrete_pastures

Rising Talent Of The Year - Podcast

- Teens talk with NIFEMI @teens_talkwithnifemi

- Safari Conversations - The Singita Podcast @solidgoldpods

- BlackFlame Podcast @theblackflamepod

- Mama Tales Podcast @mamatalespodcast

- Mixed Feelings Over Mixed Drinks @selamandhello

- The Sangyin Podcast @sangyin_podcast

Best Audio Book Performance - Voiceover

- Stars of the Morning (Audiobook) @solidgoldpods

- Wildlife and Warfare (Audiobook) @solidgoldpods

- Halley’s Comet (Audiobook) @solidgoldpods

Best Documentary Performance - Voiceover

- Edward Nyanaro @Edward Nyanaro

- Mohamed abdelrahman @ Mohamed AbdelRahman Voice over artist


- Moses Mwakisha Mwaruma @mufti_halisi

Best Radio Imaging - Voiceover

- Star Nyembezi @starnyembezi

- Chiedu Norbert Onabu @buzzchiedu

- Grace Ekundayo @gracie.e

- Mariam Abo el Fotoh @mariam_abouelfetouh_official

Best Commercial Performance – TV Voiceover

- Oluwafemi Olugbade @femibakes

- Eric Maximus Ekwueme @erictus_maximus

- Ali Mwangola @AliMwangola

- Themba Robin @themba_robin

- Moses Mwakisha Mwaruma @mufti_halisi

Best TV-Promo - Voiceover

- Chiedu Norbert Onabu @buzzchiedu

- Edward Nyanaro @edwardnyanaro

- Stephanie Nicholas @voiceofsteph

- Agatha Ike-Odeyemi @agathaike_snc

Best in Narration - Voiceover

- Jamaldeen Ademola Hamzat @Jamaldeenvoice

- Mordí Chukwunonso Esther @the_dimpledclaire

- Stephanie Ugbeye @thevocalexpressionist

- Afoma M. Ezeokoye (Oma the Storyteller) @oma_the_storyteller

Best Corporate/Explainer Performance - Voiceover

- Nice Githinji @nicegithinji

- Betty Ehinome @bettynicholas_

- Ewoma Oyegwa @ewoma_o

Best Animation - Voiceover

- Nice Githinji @nicegithinji

- Stephanie Ugbeye @thevocalexpressionist

- Serah Johnson @_serahjohns

Best Jingle - Voiceover

- Cynthia Kimola @cynthiakimola

- Stephanie Nicholas @voiceofsteph

- Mohamed Abdelrahman @ Mohamed AbdelRahman Voice over artist

Best Commercial Performance – Radio Voiceover

- Eric Wambugu @Eric_wambugu254

- Jeritah Mwake @jeritah_mwake

- Deborah Oiza Yusuf @oiza_radiolady

Best Storytelling - Spoken word

- Wana Udobang @mswanawana

- Irene Esther Mutuzo @ireneesthermutuzo

- Solarspeaks @solarspeakson

- Toby Abiodun @toby_abiodun

- Taleabong Boris Alemnge @penboy_official

Voiceover Service Provider of the Year - Voiceover

- Daza Voiceover @daza_voiceover

- Voiceover Workshop and Media @voiceoverworkshop

- Voiceover Academy @voiceoveracad @thevoiceoverbank

- Intertalent @intertalentsa

- Vibe Communications @vibecommunicationszm

Voiceover Artist of the Year - Voiceover

- Themba Robin @themba_robin

- Shahenda Ahmed Aly @voiceover.dr.shahenda.ahmed

- Eric “Maximus” Ekwueme @erictus_maximus

- Oluwafemi Olugbade @femibakes

- Terry Andwana @teedailys

Rising Talent of the Year - Voiceover

- Terry Andwana @teedailys

- Grace Ekundayo @gracie.e

Akinremi Fiyinfoluwa @akinremifiyinfoluwa

Best Spoken Word Record - Spoken word

- Oludolapo Adewale @oludolapo_adewale

- Maritza Mama KLA @mama.kla

- Oreva @rehviie

Let's do Biz