Our rich media template feature allows companies to send quick menus, images, videos and PDFs to their customers. In addition to this businesses now also have access to sending template messages that contain locations, quick reply functionality and call-to-action buttons.
Benefits of media templates
1. Decreased cart abandonment or drop-offs
With the help of visual promotions and a distinctive call to action, the prospect can make clear buying decisions, leaving no room for doubts.
2. Upselling and cross-selling
Our smart virtual assistants help with data-driven product suggestions.
3. Drive conversions without increasing overhead
We can reuse a template once it has been created and approved by WhatsApp in multiple campaigns.
Template library
Choose from predefined, approved templates and reuse anytime.
4. Aid smart product discovery
The virtual assistant can learn consumer patterns to suggest the right product at the right time.
5. Self-serve document submission and review
This functionality allows for document submission, evaluation and approval whilst keeping the recipient notified of the status throughout the process.
6. Billing, payments, tickets through interactive messages
We can show you how to use Whatsapp templates to provide enhanced customer experience to gain long-term users.
Are you ready to see how Boomerang can elevate your business and improve your customers’ lives? Reach out to us at www.boomerang.co.za to schedule a live demo of our bot builder.
Want to get started? Simply head to our website and fill in our contact form or email any questions you may have to az.oc.gnaremoob@olleh and we'll get back to you.
Contact us today:
Johannesburg office: 071 877 0931
Cape Town office: 021 788 6896
Email: az.oc.gnaremoob@olleh