Vukile Zondi - managing director, Gagasi FM
“We have been working very hard to streamline our new business path and ensure that the consumer experience is consistent across all platforms. Whether the consumer is listening on-air, interacting online or attending our event, our brand must live up to their expectations and looking at how we managed to maintain stability, in terms of our listenership despite the general decline in the industry, the quality of the events we have delivered, our new website and the new App, I think we have achieved that wow factor in some areas,” says Vukile Zondi, the managing director.
Zondi further says: “Ultimately, we are now at a point where we have a growing pool of insights on our target consumer and are, therefore, able to provide multi-channel solutions to clients that will resonate with our audience and have a meaningful impact in society.”
Gagasi FM
Due to the quality of the station’s talent pool, the on-air product remains very dominant with both the breakfast show, The Uprising, and the afternoon drive, That Drive, being the station’s biggest shows both in terms of content delivery and figures.

Mimi Kesaris - head of programming, Gagasi FM>
“As our traditional offering, on-air remains the critical component of our multi-channel offering. The biggest chunk of our consumer base is still engaging the brand on this platform so it’s very important to ensure compelling content and talent pool. Some of the content originating from on-air also feeds off to online in the form of podcasts and charts and these drive traffic there, so we always have to deliver what a consumer wants to hear, so that even if they have missed it on-air, they can still go and search for it online. The numbers on all platforms have been amazing,” says Mimi Kesaris, head of programming.
Gagasi Online
Following the successful launch of the new website (www.gagasiworld.co.za) as part of the rebranding exercise, the new Gagasi FM App is the latest offering under Gagasi Online. In the few months since going live, there has been a great impact in terms of driving consumer conversations as part of campaigns and show content.

Phinda Magwaza - head of brand, Gagasi FM
“With the majority of consumers within our target audience bracket having access to mobile, it was only necessary that we ensure brand presence within that space. Beyond just presence, we also had to ensure that the offering was appealing and interactive, keeping in mind that this is one very competitive space where a consumer is spoiled for choice. Fortunately, we are very aware of the lifestyle patterns of our target audience as well as how they relate to the brand Gagasi, so we are able to customise our offerings across all brand touchpoints,” says Phinda Magwaza, head of brand.
Gagasi Events
The year 2019 was arguably the most successful year for the brand in the eventing space. With all brand campaigns showing growth, two properties really stood out, Gagasi FM Red Star Experience at the Vodacom Durban July as well as the Beach Fest – which kickoffs the station’s summer campaign in December, Ilangil’Thola Khona.
Another brand campaign was also launched, #WeGotTalent Tour where prime time shows would tour various districts of the province doing activations and OB’s as part of introducing the new shows at the beginning of the new season.
“Events are an integral component of consumer engagement with the brand. Its where consumers experience the physical interaction with on-air talent, with artists whose music they listen to on the radio and the entire entertainment value that each event presents. There is also a strong digital element associated with these events in the build-up to each and all of these elements present unique opportunities for clients that are seeking effective consumer engagement platforms,” adds Magwaza.
For further information, please contact:
Khulekani Shandu
Senior executive: Marketing, PR and stakeholder management
Tel: 031 584 5300
Cell: 083 792 5737
Email: az.oc.599isagag@sinakeluhk
Ntsike Khumalo
PR and Trade Marketing Officer
Tel: 031 584 5300
Cell: 081 411 0832
Email: az.oc.599isagag@ikistn