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Oxbridge Academy rewards students for succeeding against the odds

Studying, whether for a school exam, a college course, or a university programme, is a demanding task on its own. Yet many students across South Africa complete their studies despite immense personal or social hardships. For this reason Oxbridge Academy wants to give recognition to, and reward, those students who have managed to succeed in their studies despite the odds.

Starting this year, Oxbridge Academy will be awarding an 'Oxbridge Academy Medal for Succeeding Against the Odds' to three students each semester. This award will go to students who have succeeded in their studies despite any physical, educational, social, or financial obstacles that they have faced. The Medal will be accompanied by a Special Merit bursary to help these students in their future studies.

Oxbridge Academy's first semester 'Succeeding Against the Odds' Award goes to the following students who have all performed superbly in their studies despite individual hardships:

Asheena Singh

Asheena Singh is a working mother from KwaZulu-Natal. She has been working as an administrative clerk in the automotive industry for the last 10 years. In 2012, however, Asheena was suddenly diagnosed with a serious lung disease that completely unsettled her life.

Oxbridge Academy rewards students for succeeding against the odds

"This sad news hit me rock bottom as I felt I was still so young. Being diagnosed with this illness I focused solely on my suffering. The anxiety and depression on a daily basis was too much for me to handle. I felt I needed to do something with my life to be a strong willed woman.

"One day as I sat at my desk, I browsed through my Jet club book and came across Oxbridge Academy courses. At that very moment I felt something so right about choosing my course and break away from depression and focus on something good that will benefit me one day. I'm glad to say I have finished three modules, and feel awesome about my results thus far. I am a confident woman and have accepted my sickness at the same time."

Asheena showed us that even when faced with a dire situation completely beyond your control, you still have the power to decide whether to succumb to it or succeed despite it. Asheena has already passed two modules of her Executive Secretary (PA) course.

Londiwe Sithembile Kelly Dlamini

When Londiwe was only five years old, her father passed away. This left her and her unemployed mother in an endless struggle for financial survival. Londiwe's story is one all too common in South Africa. However, not all those in similar situations manage to rise above their circumstances.

Oxbridge Academy rewards students for succeeding against the odds

"I have been able to pay my school fees by doing peace jobs wash, cleaning and ironing around my area Vosloorus. Sometimes I will not have food in the house because the money is too little I need to pay my school fees. I also sell perfume from different products at my church. I also help with cleaning the church on voluntary basis at High Praise Centre every weekend and also help the vulnerable children cook for them and hand parcel to their families every Thursday when not occupied."

Londiwe started studying Occupational Health and Safety at Oxbridge Academy in May 2014, and is finishing her course this year. She has even earned a distinction in one of her modules, making us all the more proud to present her with a Special Merit Award.

Tlhanola Nyamane

Tlhanola is an Oxbridge Academy student from Virginia in the Free State. In 2011, Tlhanola tragically lost his mother and was left with sole responsibility for his two younger sisters and baby brother. Not only did he have to make sure there was always food on the table, but he also wanted to see his siblings get the education they deserve.

Oxbridge Academy rewards students for succeeding against the odds

"All task of attending parents school meetings were due to be my responsibility, and the need for both my brother and sister's performance in school to remain high was depending on me to always make a huge call so that homework, assignments, projects, the practice of mathematics for my little brother and reading the English sounds, all could be done and be prepared in time.

"At some point I had to find a casual job so that my course fees could be paid in time and some of the fees to be upfront. And I got a job at a taxi and that made the paying of the fees to be possible, paying some of the bills at home like buying bread, milk, and R50 electricity were at least made to be achievable."

Despite the immense responsibilities of taking care of his three siblings, Tlhanola managed to complete two full courses via distance learning. Tlhanola can also boast with having completed his 12-month Safety Management Course in under eight months.

We are extremely proud to have students like Asheena, Londiwe, and Tlhanola as part of the Oxbridge Academy family. Therefore we are happy to present each of them with an Oxbridge Academy Medal for Succeeding Against the Odds, along with a Special Merit bursary.

The purpose of public and private colleges such as Oxbridge Academy is, after all, to give all South Africans the chance to empower themselves through skills development and vocational training. At Oxbridge Academy, we want to do whatever we can to help our students - and future students - accomplish this goal.

By giving continued recognition and assistance to students through the 'Succeeding Against the Odds' award, we not only wish to help these individual students, but also to inspire and motivate all other students to continue working hard and succeeding against the odds.

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29 Jul 2015 15:27
