Castrol’s Boet and Swaer are two of South Africa’s most loved icons. Will a new “Boet and Swaer” be crowned at this year’s Pendoring?
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Who could ever forget the Vodacom Gogo-trio? This year Pendoring has dared creatives to come up with a new generation of icons.
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A delight not only for children but also adults, the Chomp hippos. Pendoring entries are now open and close 21 July 2014
click to enlargeThis year, Pendoring pays homage to the advertising heroes who entertained us for so many years. But it is also throwing down the gauntlet and daring the advertising community's creative thinkers to bring us a new generation of icons.
The campaign is the brainchild of FCB, the 2013 Prestige award winner. "We were excited by the opportunity to work on such a strong brand and to do something different with it," says Jonathan Deeb ECD, FCB Johannesburg. "We are communicating to our peers - the creative industry - and they are a tough audience to crack. We felt we had to do something that would make them sit up and take notice. We didn't want our advertising call to entry to be discovered discarded on a dusty cupboard, so we aimed to create something they could interact with."
"The idea is that while we want to pay homage to the great icons or characters used in past advertising; their era is gone, and we are looking for a new generation of icons," explains Deeb.
The call to agencies to enter the campaign comprises three posters in the form of a dart board with elements of well-known icons on them. "Right from the start we wanted to do something that was interactive. And what better way to start things off than with posters encouraging creatives to throw darts at other people's work," explains Francois Delport, Senior Copywriter at FCB.
Creative heads will also receive a voodoo doll resembling an iconic advertising figure. In keeping with the interactive nature of the campaign, "they are encouraged to torture their voodoo doll icon character", says Delport.
The "interactiveness" of the campaign is continued in the judges' invite, who will receive a cell phone loaded with airtime, a toy gun and a tablet. Their acceptance or refusal to be a judge will determine what element comes into play...
Marketers have not been left out and are encouraged to turn up the heat on their agency to create a new generation of icons. In the process they could be in line to win more than R2 million worth of free media space and airtime from participating Pendoring sponsors by winning this year's Prestige Award. The Prestige Award winner will also receive an overseas study tour to the value of R50,000.
The winner of the Umpetha Award receives R20,000 in cash. The Umpetha Award, meaning 'champion' or 'the best' in Zulu, is awarded to the agency who created the best overall entry in the Truly South African categories. This is only the third year that this Award will be given.
The overall student winner receives a R10,000 cash prize and an internship at TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris, Johannesburg. Each Pendoring gold winner receives R6,000, while each silver award recipient will receive R2,500.
Entries close on 21 July 2014. All campaigns that ran from 15 July 2013 to 21 July 2014 are eligible. The Gala Event will be held at Vodacom World, Midrand, on 24 October.
Join the Pendoring Facebook group or follow @Pendoring_ on Twitter and use the hashtag #Pendoring. For more information on the awards or to submit entries, visit www.pendoring.co.za.