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![[2012 trends] The way to customers' hearts is through their phones](
![[2012 trends] Re-evaluating the way we work, communicate](

![[2012 trends] It's not about trends, it's about a reality check](

The art of motivating salespeople
John Boe 16 Jan 2012

![[2012 trends] 12 words we'll see more in 2012](

Don't stop chasing your dream!
John Boe 12 Dec 2011
![[Stakeholder engagement II] Reputation gains far outweigh effort](
![[Stakeholder engagement I] Determine material issues, listen to right people](

Internships: making the right choice
Charl Thom 30 Nov 2011

Subscribe to daily business and company news across 19 industries
×John Boe 16 Jan 2012
John Boe 12 Dec 2011
Charl Thom 30 Nov 2011