18TH PAMRO conference open for bookings

The PAMRO conference will take place from 27-30 August 2017, at the Vineyard Hotel in Cape Town, South Africa. This year, only a limited number of spaces are available for delegates, so it is imperative to book early to avoid disappointment.
The PAMRO conference provides an opportunity to get to grips with the latest developments around media research from across Africa, while building relationships with industry figures from across the continent and beyond.
Event delegates will be able to network, exchange ideas and discuss findings presented by leading local and international speakers. Special room rates are available for PAMRO delegates until the end of June, so delegates should reserve rooms before then, to take advantage of discounted rates for the Vineyard Hotel.
PAMRO seeks to create a forum for industry organisations, media research providers, media owners, marketers and advertising agencies in different African countries to exchange knowledge and to learn from one-another’s successes and failures, to ensure the highest quality and to harmonise our research methodologies, thereby leading to a continental media research database.
PAMRO would like to thank the following sponsors, who have already committed their support to this year’s conference: Nielsen, DSTV Media Sales, Ornico, Plus 94 and Kantar.
To register as a delegate at the conference and to book accommodation, to join PAMRO, or for more information, please visit: http://pamro.org/upcoming-events/18th-pamro-conference-27st-august-to-30th-august-2017-vineyard-hotel-cape-town-south-africa/.