Pamro calls for papers for 2017 conference

Pamro invites individuals or institutions interested in presenting findings from media audience research activities and/or relevant case studies, to contact Pamro at moc.liamg@acirfa.ormap.
Pamro welcomes all original presentations regarding measurement innovation, research-on-research, best practice and business case studies from professionals engaged in the field of media research.
The conference encompasses a 360° view of media research and measurement to drive relevance, creativity and innovation in advertising and media planning, now and in the future. All the disciplines in the marketing and media sector are invited to participate: creative, digital, research, media planning, media sales, public relations and content producers.
Pamro seeks to create a forum for industry organisations, media research providers, media owners, marketers and advertising agencies in different African countries to exchange knowledge and to learn from one-another’s successes and failures; to ensure the highest quality and to harmonise research methodologies, thereby leading to a continental media research database.
Pamro includes the Indian Ocean Islands in all activities and underwrite the rules of market research bodies such as those of the World Organization for Research Professionals (Esomar).
*To register as a delegate at the conference and to book accommodation, to join Pamro, or for more information, visit: