Save the date for PAMRO 2017

“In today’s world, communications must be 360° and that means all the different disciplines must merge. This is a conference for all these disciplines to understand the African communications industry,” says Oresti Patricios, board member of PAMRO and CEO of Ornico.
“Media research provides critical insight into local consumers and how best to reach them, in a globally connected world. It can guide a company in successfully reaching target audiences, and reveal strengths and weaknesses in various media platforms.
“Media research gives brand owners the insights into how to best serve communities and to create seamless continental brand messaging and content through regionally targeted marketing campaigns. As such, harmonising media research across Africa could be a step towards the stimulation of greater intra- African trade,” he continues.
PAMRO is dedicated to furthering this project, believing that harmonising media research across Africa will build greater confidence in the research available. Having research that is consistent, accurate and reliable, and that can be understood across borders, makes it that bit easier - and therefore more attractive - for brands to invest in African countries.
The ‘call for papers’ will open in February 2017. The theme is ‘Content is king, and he is one of us’ - A 360° view of media research and measurement to drive relevance, creativity and innovation in advertising and media planning, now and into the future.
PAMRO’s objective is to create a forum for industry organisations, media research providers, media owners, marketers and advertising agencies in different African countries to exchange knowledge and to learn from one-another’s successes and failures. It also aims to ensure the highest quality and to harmonise research methodologies, so that eventually a continental media research database will exist. The latter will make Africa the world leader in providing a research database for the growing number of global media owners, marketers and agencies.
PAMRO includes the Indian Ocean Islands in all its activities and underwrites the rules of market research bodies such as those of the World Organization for Research Professionals (ESOMAR).
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