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2010 Kurt Schork Memorial Awards call to entry
Since 2005, IWPR has been honoured to partner with the Kurt Schork Memorial Fund to administer and organise the annual awards.
The awards includes cash prizes of US$5000 each per local and international winner as financial support to help with continued reporting. Nominees are judged not only on the quality of writing and investigative effort, but also on the level of courage and resourcefulness demonstrated in producing the stories - reflecting the journalistic standards and personal courage displayed by Schork himself over the course of his career.
Details for applicants
Two award categories:
Local reporter covering local stories
Freelance journalist covering international news
Prize is US$5000 for each category winner.
All submissions must demonstrate professionalism, meet international journalistic standards, and provide evidence that courage and determination played a role in generating the articles. Winners will be chosen by an international panel of judges.
Local reporter: Print journalists employed by a local news outlet and residing in a developing country or nation in transition (non OECD or EU countries), whose work has been published in a local publication are eligible. Although individual journalists are the primary focus, submissions from a team of journalists will also be considered.
Freelance journalist: All freelance print journalists and those contracted by news organisations are eligible. A freelance journalist is an individual who is not employed by a news organisation. They are self-employed, providing services, either on the basis of time or on the production of editorial materials as defined by individual contractual arrangements, and earn the majority of their income from journalism.
Eligible media: Entries are welcomed from all types of print-based media including newspapers and magazines and established online publications. Blogs and personal websites are not eligible.
Period covered: Entries are limited to up to three articles published between 1 March 2009 and 30 June 2010.
How to apply
Apply online, email the 2010 Kurt Schork Awards PDF application form to ten.rpwi@sdrawakrohcs or send by post to:
Kurt Schork Awards
Institute for War & Peace Reporting
48 Gray's Inn Road
London WC1X 8LT
United Kingdom
The awards ceremony will take place in London on 3 November 2010.