APEX 2009 entries double

Says Roper, "considering the amount of work that goes into preparing an APEX submission, the ACA is very proud to announce that APEX 2009 saw 42 case studies entered. Our colleagues in Europe reported receiving approximately 50 submissions for their effectiveness awards this year. This demonstrates that APEX is on par with international standards.
There has been a significant increase in the number of agencies participating this year. More and more agencies have realised that winning an APEX is validation that creative thinking can meet defined business criteria and deliver meaningful results. This is very important for the current economic climate as it puts to rest the conventional thought that communication and advertising is a waste of money."
"This year marks the first annual APEX - the closing date for entries was 30 January 2009 and the adjudication process is well underway. For those who missed this year¹s APEX deadline, this is the time to start thinking about possible submissions for next year. In the meantime, join the ACA and captains of industry at the 2009 APEX gala event on the 13th of May and remember APEX is not just an award, it¹s a reputation," says Roper.