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AfricaScope/GeoScope Press Office
The companies conduct research surveys and geospatial services to produce information for strategic decision making. Our team of researchers and associates use innovative methods in conducting surveys and developing geospatial datasets.
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Driving into the future: Optimal development of South Africa’s motor industry
Passenger vehicle sales in South Africa for May 2024 experienced a significant decline, following brief relief in April. The market saw a year-on-year drop of 11.7%, with a total of 24,367 units sold. 6 Jun 2024 Read more

Improving market access with consumer insights to sustain and grow South Africa’s automotive industry
Precision mapping and strategic insights drive growth in South Africa's automotive industry. 6 Mar 2024 Read more

Approaches to retail network optimisation in South Africa
Craig Schwabe will explore how geospatial data on retail facilities and competitors, target markets and consumer behaviour and their spatial interactions influence the development of optimised retail networks in South Africa. 4 Apr 2023 Read more

Webinar: Using robust spatial data to benefit from the sizable township economy in South Africa
Bob Currin addresses the importance of spatial data in developing sound marketing strategies, especially in regard to our burgeoning township markets, and presents some of the data sets developed by AfricaScope specifically for this purpose. 21 Nov 2022 Read more

Webinar invitation: Food loss and waste in the food value chain of OR Tambo District
Key to inclusive growth and sustainable jobs in South Africa. A case study of three district municipalities. 14 Oct 2022 Read more

Webinar invitation: Amazwi abantu (voices of the people) - Capturing the real state of the nation at a societal level
Dr Ben Roberts of the HSRC and Katiso Rachabane, managing director of GeoScope, present the extraordinary value of the SA Social Attitude Survey (Sasas) and the unique insights it gives on the modern fabric of social South Africa. 30 Sep 2022 Read more

Understanding how emotions and values in the work and market places influence behaviour, decision making and consumer purchasing
It's normal to experience emotions at work, such as having frustrations, anger, or excitement, but how leaders handle emotions in the workplace can go a long way to building or destroying the workplace climate. It also goes a long way in motivating, encouraging, or discouraging employees. So, organizations and management really need to see the bigger picture and understand how their employees see them. That's why it's really important to measure emotions because one gets an understanding of staff, for better or worse it, and how it influences a myriad of factors within the workplace. It influences employee commitment, creativity, decision-making, work quality, the likelihood of employees sticking around and obviously, the organization's bottom line. 30 Jun 2022 Read more

Africa rising - unparalleled opportunity for investment through the use of geospatial information
Historically, Africa was been known as the "dark continent". The reason for this was that extraordinarily little was known about this large continent for many centuries, especially in the western world. In other words, very little information was available on Africa and especially mapped information. In the 5th and 6th centuries BC, only the coast of North Africa had been mapped. It was not until the 15th century AD that better cartographic maps were produced but these showed the lack of information on the central and southern interior of the continent. Even in the 19th century AD, little was known about the geography of the sub-Saharan Africa 24 Feb 2021 Read more

GeoMAPS: Where location, strategy and innovation meets opportunity!
We are living in a world where understanding the consumer AND location is critical to strategic decision making. GeoMAPS, the GIS module to the new MAPS survey places data into a geographic context, using location to add a visual dimension to consumer data. This empowers marketers and data analysis to visually pick up on trends and patterns at a suburb level. We like to say that GeoMAPS is where Location, Strategy and Innovation meets opportunity. 17 Feb 2021 Read more

Retail network optimization in SA must be more holistic
To ensure that a retail networks' outlets are optimum in location and number, requires a more holistic strategy that is not presently being used in South Africa. A holistic strategy must take into consideration a multitude of factors including the unique target market of a retail chain and the capacity required for a retail outlet to be financially viable. The travel time across a transport network using different modes of transport is another key consideration. The location of a brand's existing retail outlets and that of their competitors must form part of developing the holistic strategy. The preferred sites where new outlets should be located and areas of exclusion, are other key parameters. 22 Nov 2020 Read more

Township megatrends - South Africa's township potential atlas
South Africa has 532 African, Asian and Coloured townships that have a larger geographic area than both Johannesburg and Durban combined. In 2019, there were 21.7 mil people living in these townships. Gauteng with 8.9 mil people living in them has the largest township population followed by the Western Cape with 3.2 mil people. 7 Oct 2020 Read more

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