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Marketing & Media Africa

The most read stories on Africa

As we march on to the end of the year, Bizcommunity.com has compiled its annual lists of the top most read stories of the year, as well as the top contributors and top advertisers, in the #BestofBiz. An interesting aside: most of the most read stories on our Africa Media & Marketing portal are the positive business stories on Africa - from awards to business opportunities.
Despite local and global economic and political challenges, initiatives like Africa Trade Week and a renewed focus on agriculture; renewable energy; and concrete proposals to implement the Continental Free Trade Area, spell positive outcomes for the continent.
In fact, 'Africa must do what it is good at', according to development economist Ha-Joon Chang. Chang was delivering the second annual Adebayo Adedeji Lecture during Africa Development Week in Addis Ababa. He said: "Countries can decide their development path. Countries become good at things because they want to excel at making those particular things." It's up to us all.
This is our last week of weekly and daily newsletters until 3 January 2017. Have a wonderful festive season and all the best for the New Year!

Happy holidays!
Louise Marsland
Africa Editor: Bizcommunity.com

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BizWeekly top stories
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#BestofBiz 2016: Africa Marketing & Media
We've compiled our annual #BestofBiz 2016 lists across all our industries featuring our most popular articles, most-read contributors and brand press offices with the most views. Discover the most read content on Bizcommunity's Africa Marketing & Media portal over the past year below. read
Multispeed growth in Africa likely to change foreign direct investment
Multispeed growth in Africa likely to change foreign direct investment
EY's third instalment of its Africa Attractiveness programme for 2016 anticipates continued variable economic performance across Africa's sub-regions... read
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Startit.ng aims to support startups in Nigeria
Management consulting firm, Sawubona Advisory Services has introduced Startit.ng, a startup launch and growth support platform in Nigeria... read
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Top challenges to media free expression in West Africa
Impunity, attacks by security personnel, remain top challenges to media free expression in West Africa... read
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Burson-Marsteller acquires minority stake in Kenyan affiliate
Burson-Marsteller has acquired a minority stake in its Kenyan affiliate, Engage Burson-Marsteller... read
Nike Popoola (Nigeria) winner of the 2016 Pan-African ReInsurance Journalist award.
International judges for Pan-African Re/Insurance Journalism Awards 2017
Winners of the Pan-African Re/Insurance Journalism Awards will be announced at the Continental Reinsurance CEO Summit on 6 April 2017 in Dakar, Senegal... read
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American Chamber of Commerce launches in Ethiopia
The launch of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ethiopia heralds new era in trade cooperation... read
Social media sentiment shows why customer expectations matter

JP Kloppers

Brands that fail to meet customers' high expectations may see their market share slide. Marketing is a multi-billion rand exercise in setting expectations... read
Virtual reality, chatbots will dominate CX by 2020
Virtual reality, chatbots will dominate CX by 2020
The relationship brands have with their customers is set to undergo a technological revolution causing the number of human-to-human interactions to fall... read
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Call for agriculture to be central to Africa's development
Over 300 participants attended the African Economic Conference this week, with the theme, 'Feed Africa: Towards Agro-Allied Industrialization for Inclusive Growth'... read
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Is traditional advertising really dead?

David Karega

Brands could be focusing on the wrong goal post, says David Karega, a communication specialist at Hill+Knowlton Strategies in Kenya... read
Lesotho: How mobile technologies are saving thousands
The Vodafone Foundation announced a mobile-based HIV programme in Lesotho to treat those living with HIV... read
Marrakesh, Morocco. Image by 123RF
African PR awards launched
Holmes Report and APRA launch first Africa SABRE competition for the public relations industry... read
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Visa and Nest launch FinTech bootcamp for Africa
The Visa Bootcamp will power collaboration opportunities between early stage technology companies, Visa and financial institutions from across Africa for potential integration... read
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Egypt sees 'three-year strategy' to revive economy
Egypt has an ambitious three-year reform plan that, with foreign help, can revive its struggling economy, the minister of international cooperation said... read
Nigeria's Guardian newspaper launches brand studio
Nigeria's Guardian newspaper launches brand studio
Nigeria's The Guardian has launched a Brand Studio to create branded content to reach influential and well educated audiences in Nigeria, the diaspora and globally... read
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ECA urges Africa to push ahead with Continental Free Trade Area
Africa needs to move with speed to implement the Continental Free Trade Area next year... read
UNAIDS partners with StarTimes to broadcast HIV prevention messages
UNAIDS partners with StarTimes to broadcast HIV prevention messages
StarTimes-the UNAIDS media partner-broadcasts HIV prevention message across African network... read
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Smart and Kirusa partner to launch InstaVoice in Uganda
Smart Uganda and Kirusa announced the launch of InstaVoice Missed Call, Voicemail, and Voice SMS service in Uganda... read
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Gemalto boosts LTE adoption and usage
The Gemalto platform already manages over one billion devices worldwide, including over 470 million devices in the Middle East and Africa... read
Data underpins the digitalisation journey
Data underpins the digitalisation journey
Given the increasingly connected nature of the world, it is hardly surprising that companies are focused on becoming digital enterprises... read
Africa must do what its good at
Africa must do what its good at
Countries can decide their development path, says development economic Ha-Joon Chang. read
Onyx Connect to build Africa's first smartphone plant
Onyx Connect to build Africa's first smartphone plant
According to a report by TimesLive, South African startup Onyx Connect is set to become the first to manufacture smartphones in Africa... read
Facebook, Instagram marketing partner launches in sub-Saharan Africa
Facebook, Instagram marketing partner launches in sub-Saharan Africa
StitcherAds, a global Facebook and Instagram marketing partner, has launched its services in the sub-Saharan Africa region... read
Business innovation evolves beyond pure product focus
Business innovation evolves beyond pure product focus
A focus on distinct innovation and product development capabilities is paying off for some companies as they deliver between three and seven percent higher annualised revenue... read
Business 2020: It's not about you, it's about them

Julia Ahlfeldt

If 2016 taught us anything it is that it is essential to fully understand who your customers - or target audiences - are. The shock Brexit and USA election outcomes are both cases in point... read
Top ten predictions from Ericsson headed up by AI
Top ten predictions from Ericsson headed up by AI
Ericsson Consumer Lab has produced its sixth edition of its annual trend report The 10 Hot Consumer Trends for 2017 and beyond... read
Mirko Vitali © -
How to do impossible things

Damon Stapleton

It has been an interesting week. The world may run out of Guinness. As I write this Ireland have just beaten the All Blacks 40 - 29 in Chicago. It is the first time they have done this in 111 years. To continue the surreal sporting theme, Andy Murray, has become the number one tennis player in the world... read
APO launches press clipping service targeting African media
APO launches press clipping service targeting African media
APO, the African Press Organization, has announced that it will offer a press clippings service for 300 influential Africa newspapers, magazines and trade publications... read
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Time for B2B marketers to get serious about social media
Marketers working in the business-to-business space need to get serious about social media, says Innocomm... read
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Algeria premier rues low regional trade in Africa
Algeria's premier said Saturday regional trade in Africa was much lower than in other continents as the oil exporter seeks to diversify its revenue stream because of low crude prices... read
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Central African States adopt cyber-security cross-border laws
A workshop on the harmonisation of the cyber-security legal framework for Central Africa, has come up with concrete resolutions on cyber-security... read
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ContinuityEastAfrica launches full business resilience capability
ContinuityEastAfrica has officially opened its doors in Nairobi, with a new data centre and work-area recovery facility... read
Image credit:
How to deliver the only exceptional value shoppers want these December holidays

Bandile Ndzishe

The highly competitive December holiday marketing has no place for the pliant and weak marketers. It is a war room affair... read
Gen Z to give marketers a run for their money
Gen Z to give marketers a run for their money

Issued by Kantar Millward Brown

Kantar Millward Brown's annual digital and media predictions highlight the scale of the challenge presented by a new generation with high expectations and values... read
Mobitainment hosting a mobile marketing qualification course with mCordis
Mobitainment hosting a mobile marketing qualification course with mCordis

Issued by Mobitainment

Do you want to be a trailblazer in the mobile space? Join Mobitainment and mCordis in March 2017 for the first industry-accredited Professional Qualification in Mobile Marketing... read
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World Bank to launch African accelerator programmes

Tom Jackson

The World Bank Group is to launch a series of accelerator programmes across Africa, aimed at helping tech startups commercialise and scale innovative digital products... read
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Learning from startups: embracing disruptive innovation
Take lessons from the startup economy to innovate in the future in Africa, says GE... read
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Metta launches in Nairobi

Gabriella Mulligan

Global entrepreneurship community Metta has opened a dedicated space for entrepreneurs and investors to network and collaborate in Nairobi, Kenya... read
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'Dronejacking' may be the next big cyber threat
A big rise in drone use is likely to lead to a new wave of "dronejackings" by cybercriminals, security experts warned... read
Image by 123RF
Morocco uses business diplomacy to win friends in Africa
With contracts across Africa running into billions of dollars, Morocco is placing business at the heart of its strategy to win support for its re-entry into the African Union... read
Top marketing automation tools for your business
Top marketing automation tools for your business

Jared Koning

Most businesses will find the idea of automating functions like sales and marketing compelling, as it helps marketers to streamline activities like lead generation, segmentation, lead nurturing and lead scoring... read
Organisers of World Media Awards seek entries from across the Middle East and Africa
Organisers of World Media Awards seek entries from across the Middle East and Africa
The World Media Awards are open for entries and the organisers are seeking entries from across the Middle East and Africa. The closing date for entries is Thursday 16 February 2017... read
Three things innovative companies do to foster creativity
Three things innovative companies do to foster creativity
LG Electronics says it is natural for a business to take great pride in its products, developed to meet the changing demands of the modern consumer. However, business creativity and innovation are about more than new products... read
Forget mobile-first, your customer is demanding mobile-always

Nirmal Nair

As smartphones reach saturation point in developing markets and make up a significant part of phone ownership in developing nations, customers are demanding an entirely different way of engaging with brands... read
Design thinking for youngsters is essential for innovation
Design thinking for youngsters is essential for innovation
Breaking away from a traditional learn-memorise-test approach to education, design thinking is paving the way for inspiring 'out-of-the-box' thinking amongst youngsters... read
Ion Chiosea © -
#Influencerchange: Crucial moments and vital behaviours

Leigh Andrews

The majority of businesses today would say they're customer-centric, or at least that 'the customer comes first'. But many of us forget the most important customers of all - our own employees, who can quickly identify a flaw in our processes before it snowballs through a bad customer experience... read
Emirates Twitter Page Leveraging off Jennifer Aniston brand association
When fame is no longer enough: Brand ambassadors in the age of social media

JP Kloppers

Starting in the 1940s and '50s, celebrity endorsements began changing the marketing landscape. Soap, shampoo, suntan lotion: Ronald Reagan himself endorsed a brand of cigarettes... read
Falara © -
#Influencerchange: Think like an influencer

Leigh Andrews

"You can't predict anyone's work load for the day, we pad out our budgets to avoid hiccups down the line and deadlines are just crazy." This description would fit almost any business today... read
Facebook announces global use of Creative Hub
Facebook announces global use of Creative Hub
Facebook has announced that Creative Hub will be available for the entire industry to use worldwide and it is introducing a new Inspiration Gallery, which will highlight examples of outstanding mobile creative across Facebook and Instagram... read
Becoming more human-focused in your problem-solving
Becoming more human-focused in your problem-solving

Helna Brown

I am more convinced than ever that the best problem-solvers are those who are passionate about people and keep people at the core of solutions. They have the passion for finding the best solution to enhance people's lives or the environment... read
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Digital Skills for Africa
oneafrica.online - 23 Dec 2016, Johannesburg

SEO Professional Certification Course
BlueMagnet - 1 Mar 2017 to 3 Mar 2017, Johannesburg | 15 Mar 2017 to 17 Mar 2017, Cape Town

Illustrator basic to intermediate
Multidimensions - 3 Mar 2017, Johannesburg

Learn everything about web design in three days
Multidimensions - 8 Mar 2017 to 10 Mar 2017, Johannesburg

Mobile journalism
IAJ - Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 12 Sep 2017 to 13 Sep 2017, Johannesburg


Jaclyn Smith
"Success is carved out of a hard tree. It doesn't just happen. It's people who stick to it that succeed."
Thomas J. Watson
"To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business and your business in your heart."
James Cameron
"If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success."

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