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Marketing & Media Africa

Getting your African mobile, distribution and social models right

As we ease into November, Nkem Ndem V looks into the top four mobile app development companies in Nigeria based on quality and excellence, as decided by Jovago.com. She credits the persistent rise in smartphone and tablet use within the country as leading to a mobile 'revolution'.

Michael Wood shares insight into finding the right distribution partner in Africa. This is a challenge as the distribution partner must be able to build a successful route to market. He identifies the need to take ownership of building capability as a crucial factor.

Tamsyn Kiddle also looks at the power of social media for business-to-business marketing. She explains why B2B marketers favour the 'big three' social networks as marketing tools and offers five key benefits of using social media in a business context.

Comment online in our ed's column archive. Go mobile with apps and m.bizcommunity.com. Engage with us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. Subscribe to YouTube and via RSS. Send all your African marketing and media news and event invitations to africanews@bizcommunity.com, exclusive opinion pieces to contributors-africa@bizcommunity.com and international news to internationalnews@bizcommunity.com. Read "How to contribute to Biz, from op-ed pieces to news".

Weekly top stories
Top four mobile app development companies in Nigeria

Nkem Ndem V

The persistent rise in the use of smartphones and tablets within the country has led to a mobile revolution in Nigeria... Read

Finding the right distribution partner in Africa

Michael Wood

As many manufacturers have experienced, finding a distributor in Africa is challenging. For brands to succeed in Africa, they will need to find a distribution partner that is able to build a successful route to market... Read

The power of social media for business to business marketing

Tamsyn Kiddle

Social media is a conversation. For a business, it's a conversation that drives awareness and traffic, builds your brand loyalty, triggers opportunities and helps you connect with client needs... Read

Loeries Creative Week Durban
How the Loeries will showcase regional work going forward
Creative Circle chairman Justin Gomes has issued a quick update post-Loeries 2015, explaining that future Loeries' juries will aim to recognise the truly regional work that's not necessarily also acknowledged at international award shows... read
Lumkani fire initiative sparkles with a Silver Ubuntu Loerie

Leigh Andrews

It's not just ad agencies and their clients that win big at the Loeries each year. This year, technology startup Lumkani won a Silver Loerie in the Ubuntu category aimed at social responsibility and doing good business... read
Biz Takeouts
[Biz Takeouts Podcast] 155: Focus on PR - Trust, data and talent with four industry experts
On the latest Biz Takeouts Marketing and Media Radio show, host Warren Harding interviewed Andre Fourie, Galia Kerbel, Nicola Nel and Ingrid Lotze... read
South African swagger won't work in Africa

Michael Wood

There are a few fundamental practices that need a fresh approach if we are going to embrace a united African economy, something that will benefit the whole of Africa and not just us... read
Maximising 'uberisation'

Danette Breitenbach

The global communications industry is seeing a massive disruption. There's also uncertainty and insecurity about how to maximise value from digital... read
SME finance low in Kenya due to lack of market data

Ngugi Mungai

Kenya still lacks rigorous analysis on the size and evolution of the small and medium enterprise finance market, which has resulted in a lack of appropriate financial services for SMEs... read
Events & Conferencing
Intellectual Property for an Emerging Africa - conference in Dakar in November
A three-day working meeting of leaders from across Africa entitled, "African Ministerial Conference 2015: Intellectual Property (IP) for an Emerging Africa," will be held on 3-5 November 2015... read
Multi-layered delegate packages for African marketing conference
The three-day combined Marketers Association of Zimbabwe (MAZ) and the South African Institute of Marketing Management (IMM) conference, 'Inspiring African Market Development', is offering multi-layered delegate packages... read
Mxit: how did Alan Knott-Craig Jr's R500m bet go so badly wrong?

Stuart Thomas

Mxit as we know it is dead. The company announced on Friday that it had shut down its commercial operations and would be transferring its IP to the Reach Trust, its charitable arm... read
[Mobile 360 Africa] Local digital content for Africa!

Leigh Andrews

The need for greater digital literacy was addressed at the recent Mobile360 Africa conference... read
[Mobile360 Africa]: Mobile access for the continent

Leigh Andrews

More females in ICT. Registering the unbanked. Proper digital training at schools. Mobile access and affordability. All hot topics... read
Zimbabwean newspaper Shuts Down
The Zimbabwean newspaper has shut down as donor fatigue takes its toll on most of the regime change projects in the country, including political parties... read
Online Media
Web portal for easy access to services launched

Stephen Otage

KAMPALA: The National Information Technology Authority (NITA-U) has launched a one-stop online centre for Ugandans and other individuals to access government services... read
Chinese online shopping platform launched in Kenya
Chinese e-commerce group Chinabuy has launched its online shopping services in Kenya, offering online shoppers access to different items for direct purchase from Chinese manufacturers and online sites... read
Atterbury opens R800m Achimota Retail Centre in Ghana
Atterbury has completed the R800m ($60m) Achimota Retail Centre located in northeastern Accra, Ghana. The 15,000 m² retail destination attracted thousands of shoppers and curious locals.. read
Standard Bank consolidates its East African presence
Social Media
Facebook slideshow boosts Coke Studio Africa in Kenya, Nigeria
The newly launched Facebook slideshow offers a new lightweight video ad, made from a series of still images, which is easy for advertisers to use and engages its audience... read
Digital technology boosting Kenya's socio-economic fortunes
Squad Digital, Kenya's leading digital advertising agency, is using this digital technology to rally citizens to be patriotic and peaceful in a bid to create cohesiveness... read
Jury foremen selected for D&AD
For its 2016 Annual Professional Awards, the D&AD has selected its foremen for the 27 juries, including new PR and Media categories... read
First of monthly Best of Global Digital Marketing awards for new season
European digital marketing research firm Best Marketing International monitors almost 300 digital award competitions worldwide. September saw the start of a new award season, in which it picked the best top three among regional winners... read
New York Festivals International Advertising Awards open for 2016 competition
Entries to the 2016 New York Festivals (NYF) International Advertising Awards can now be submitted. There are three competitions on the roster, Mobile, Media and Activation & Engagement... read
LIA 2015 announces Print, Poster & Billboard shortlist
More International
Jobs offered

New events to diarise
Marketing Analytics Conference 2015
Trade Conferences International - 4 Nov 2015 to 5 Nov 2015, Johannesburg

The Business Excellence Forum and Awards
ActionCOACH SA - 5 Nov 2015 to 6 Nov 2015, Johannesburg

Reputation Management Conference
Reputation Matters - 6 Nov 2015, Cape Town

Africa Com
Informa - 17 Nov 2015 to 19 Nov 2015, Cape Town

Y!CON 2016
Student Village - 17 Mar 2016, Johannesburg

Upcoming events
Water Africa Building and Construction
ACE Event Management - 3 Nov 2015 to 5 Nov 2015, Abuja

Les Brown
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears."
Arthur Ashe
"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."

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How to see where you measure up against your competition: https://t.co/MKkOIm2AEN #SMM - Mon Nov 02
An hour in the sun means this solar backpack can power a lamp for 5 hours https://t.co/80p0JRmshg https://t.co/oJyOiaN0ku - Mon Nov 02
Since mobiles are easier to find than doctors in Africa, Vodacom developed healthcare apps. https://t.co/s5nV3QfBQl https://t.co/F3t472zoiY - Mon Nov 02
What will Facebook look like in 10 years? https://t.co/QlZKZNEooF https://t.co/OjCI2NFXIu - Mon Nov 02
RT @MaxCRoser: Complaining on Twitter correlates with heart disease risks. Paper in Psychological Science https://t.co/ig1WVRdugL https://... - Mon Nov 02
If your favorite English teacher gave a TED Talk, it would go something like this: https://t.co/5upb6yusf4 - Mon Nov 02
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