Subscribe to daily business and company news across 19 industries

Viticulture & Oenology
SA wine industry making adjustments for climate change, adapting for sustainability

Fashion & Homeware
Is the dress green or red? Planet-friendly couture won't be for everyone but it can lead the way
Mark Liu 14 Feb 2020

Food Security
East Africa locust invasion approaching full-blown crisis
Nelson Mandela Ogema 13 Feb 2020

Research & Development
Locust invasions are cyclical: African states shouldn't be caught napping
Cyril Piou 7 Feb 2020

Infectious Diseases
Heavy rains put Kenya at risk of mosquito-borne diseases
Eunice Anyango Owino 23 Jan 2020

Food Security
Europe-banned insecticide 'threatens Africa's food security'
Munyaradzi Makoni 25 Nov 2019

Sustainable Farming
Bees: How important are they and what would happen if they went extinct
Philip Donkersley 21 Aug 2019

Noncommunicable diseases
Leishmaniasis needs more attention: it causes skin lesions, and can kill
Ramona Hurdayal & Raphael Taiwo Aruleba 15 Jul 2019

Circular Economy & Waste Management
Why stop at plastic bags and straws? The case for a global treaty banning most single-use plastics
Anastasia Telesetsky 8 Feb 2019

Managed bees versus wild bees? It's not that simple in South Africa
Tlou Masehela 10 Jan 2019

Honey bees, already at risk, face a new threat from a common herbicide
Sue Nicolson 5 Dec 2018

Sustainable Farming
Why it's time to curb widespread use of neonicotinoid pesticides
John F. Tooker 28 Jun 2018