Brand+identity | Bizcommunity

Results for brand+identity


Building meaningful brands for modern Africa
Marketing & Media
Building meaningful brands for modern Africa

Issued by Epic Lion 1 Jul 2024

Source: © 123rf  WPP has gathered insights from 10 thought-leaders across its business on trends in marketing and communications leading into 2024
Marketing & Media
10 trends for 2024 from WPP

18 Dec 2023

Source: © 123rf  Charlie Wannell, head of marketing, Mediamark shares three learnings on branding from when MediaMark rebranded
Marketing & Media
3 lessons for rebranding

Charlie Wannell 22 Nov 2023

Deshnie Govender, head of marketing sub-Saharan Africa, TikTokinterviewed by Marlon Mosadi, for BirdWatching at the Loeries (Image: Terry Levin)
Marketing & Media
Birdwatching at the Loeries: E5

10 Oct 2023

Email sign-off etiquette: A comprehensive guide
Marketing & Media
Email sign-off etiquette: A comprehensive guide

Issued by Rocketseed 14 Sep 2023

Designed for a purpose
Designed for a purpose

Issued by Mpact 1 Sep 2023

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