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Show profile Hide profileMama Tina over powered the words of my step mother who declared that I will never get married, never get pregnant and that I will always be a slave but hey not with Mama Tina the great healer,I can't be thankful enough to you my great warrior Mama because when i was 26'years I started witnessing the curse coming true, I wasn't in any relationship and all the ones I tried ended miserably so I was like this woman is going to brag that am under her curse. We are in a generation that you try everything up to when you fail that's why i started looking for Sangomas to cleanse me. I got Mama Tina whom I told my story and she just laughed and said no WORD can change my destiny and that I have a great beautiful future. Mama Tina telling me that seemed like lies because I didn't even have a job but she was like am seeing you in a snow country. She prayed for me, with all her powers and told me to have faith in her for a week after those days I started witnessing what she told me. It's passed 2'yrs and i am now in UK married with a kid, Mama Tina diverted my step mother's curses that she's now witnessing my success, my dad dumped her shameless as is she even got guts to ask me for assistance saying she always wished me good. I am where because of Mama Tina and who So ever thinks that you where cursed just pay visit to Mama Tina, find her on her Facebook page Dr Mama Tina +27673788758 or call her/whats-app.
Mama Tina over powered the words of my step mother who declared that I will never get married, never get pregnant and that I will always be a slave but hey not with Mama Tina the great healer,I can't be thankful enough to you my great warrior Mama because when i was 26'years I started witnessing the curse coming true, I wasn't in any relationship and all the ones I tried ended miserably so I was like this woman is going to brag that am under her curse. We are in a generation that you try everything up to when you fail that's why i started looking for Sangomas to cleanse me. I got Mama Tina whom I told my story and she just laughed and said no WORD can change my destiny and that I have a great beautiful future. Mama Tina telling me that seemed like lies because I didn't even have a job but she was like am seeing you in a snow country. She prayed for me, with all her powers and told me to have faith in her for a week after those days I started witnessing what she told me. It's passed 2'yrs and i am now in UK married with a kid, Mama Tina diverted my step mother's curses that she's now witnessing my success, my dad dumped her shameless as is she even got guts to ask me for assistance saying she always wished me good. I am where because of Mama Tina and who So ever thinks that you where cursed just pay visit to Mama Tina, find her on her Facebook page Dr Mama Tina +27673788758 or call her/whats-app.