Partners, sponsors for Mobile Web in Africa 2010 announced

LONDON: all amber, organiser of Mobile Web in Africa 2010, has announced additional partners and sponsors for the second annual event which takes place 28 September - 1 October 2010. Nokia and BlackBerry have both agreed to sponsorship packages joining Opera Software, InMobi Africa, the World Wide Web Foundation, MobileMonday, the W3C Mobile Web Initiative and Venture Capital for Africa in partnering with all amber.

Additionally, GetJar, BlackBerry and InMobi have contributed towards the APP-FACTOR Developer Competition, providing an opportunity for developers and start-ups to win prizes and foster business opportunities.

Networking opportunities

Mobile Web in Africa 2010 takes place at the Hyatt Regency, Rosebank, Johannesburg and aims to provide attendees the opportunity to gain and exchange knowledge surrounding harnessing the potential of the mobile internet and applications on mobile devices in Africa.

Key contributors for 2010 include Antonie Roux (Naspers Group), Jon von Tetzchner (Opera Software), Russell Buckley (AdMob), Ken Banks (, Rudy De Waele (mTrends) and Evert Jaap Lugt (Nimbuzz).

Mobile Web in Africa 2010 plans to provide networking opportunities via:

  • An interactive roundtable seating format that aims to facilitate constructive discussion and networking
  • Panel discussions and networking sessions
  • A full day dedicated to discussing social media and exploring the practical realities of monetising and utilising mobile social media
  • A half-day workshop delivered by internationally respected expert Dr Marc Smith from the Connected Action Group

To book, go to or call +44 (0)1376 521 170.

For more, visit: