CNN celebrates Africa's 50 years of independence is hosting a special feature during August 2010 in celebration of 50 years of self-governance for eight of the seventeen African nations. Africa50, hosted online, takes a look at Africa's past, present and future with a number of features.
CNN celebrates Africa's 50 years of independence

Africa50 features:

  • Digital iReport - users are encouraged to interview friends and relatives who witnessed the switch from colonial power, the best submissions will be built into a video wall.
  • The role of aid in 21st-century Africa. Is it a hindrance or a help? For and against opinion pieces on this topic from leading writers on the continent are available.
  • Africa's resources - a look at the so-called "resources curse" in Africa and why countries that have vast resources have suffered famine, poverty on a large scale.
  • China's new role on the continent; a look at the implications China's increasing spend on infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa has and what it means for Africa's development.
  • What do the next 50 years hold for Africa? A futurologist gives their take on Africa 2050.

Other elements on the site include an independence timeline for each country; and an interactive map with key data (e.g. population, life expectancy, GDP per capita).

View the Africa50 report at

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