The Phoenix Partnership wheels in Cycle Tour media accolades

The Phoenix Partnership have been re-appointed to manage the publicity and media liaison for the Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour in 2007.

This after having successfully completed the publicity campaign for the 2006 Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour, which was dubbed by South African and international media as "the best Cycle Tour yet". With 35 000 participants, the Cycle Tour takes place in early March in Cape Town each year, and is the largest timed cycling event in the world.

Adri Bootsma, marketing & media co-ordinator of the Cycle Tour, says The Phoenix Partnership made a substantial contribution to validate the media's praise. "The Phoenix Partnership met all the objectives of the 2006 campaign, especially if one considers that they were only appointed six weeks before the event. Not many agencies would have accepted a brief of this magnitude at such short notice. Even with the time constraints, the campaign was hugely successful.

"The most positive feedback we received was moving the media centre closer to the action. Previous years had the media centre located within Green Point Stadium and this year we located a working media centre on the finish line. The centre was very well utilized and provided media with direct access to the action and traditional vibe as cyclists crossed the finish line. We plan repeating and improving on this model in 2007."

Anton Groenewald, Event Director of the Cycle Tour, adds that 2006 saw the largest spectator participation in the event's 29 year history.

Every effort was made to give major sponsors added value for their investment by pro-actively identifying and maximizing media opportunities in the media through interviews and photo opportunities.

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