Morvite gives back in Limpopo

During the Easter period, the Morvite team paid a visit to two schools in Limpopo to not only teach them the importance of eating a nutritious breakfast every day but do it in a fun and engaging way.

On the first trip, the Morvite team, together with young learners from Redhill School, visited Mmilige Secondary School, a village school in Limpopo. The learners from the Kutama Village were grateful to receive the 420 food parcels that were provided by Tiger Brands CSI. The food parcels contained a 2kg Morvite pack among other Tiger Brands products. Morvite's partnership with Redhill was to support their endeavour to make a difference in their partner school, Mmilige Secondary School, whom they visit annually.

On the second trip, the Tiger Brands CSI and Morvite team visited Dagbreek Primary School in Modimolle Limpopo. The primary school has 1,196 learners with most of them coming from homes where both their parents are unemployed. Children come to school hungry and struggle to concentrate during lessons, said the school Principal, Mrs Emelinah Manne. The Morvite team and the Tiger Brands Foundation Limpopo Project Coordinator arrived at Dagbreek Primary School at 6am to prepare breakfast for the kids and to prepare for the Morvite Nutrition Competition Quiz. The Morvite team taught the children about the importance of breakfast and how Morvite has all the required nutrients to start the day on a healthy note. All children from grade 1 to 7 entered into the spirit of the competition and some of them won Morvite stationery, caps and T-shirts.

29 May 2014 12:48
