Beeld welcomes Ian Tasman as Team Leader
Daily Afrikaans newspaper, Beeld has appointed Ian Tasman as the National Sales Manager to take full advantage of his considerable experience. Tasman's 15 year career in the publishing industry will be invaluable in his new portfolio which includes sales of advertising space to, and liasing with, advertising agencies and corporate marketing departments; generating new business; identifying and promoting survey opportunities; and product management.
Tasman's career began in 1991 as a National Sales Executive for Times Media Limited (now Johnnic Communications), working on the Sunday Times, Business Day, and Financial Mail sales teams. After another two years at Financial Mail as Deputy Sales Manager and later Sales and Marketing Manager, he was appointed Group General Manager of Sales at BDFM, where he strategically co-ordinated and streamlined the group's sales function on Business Day, Financial Mail, and ABC television, which runs the Summit Business Channel on DSTV.
In 2001, then CEO of Mail & Guardian, Govan Reddy, appointed him on a two-year contract as Director of Sales, Marketing & Circulation of the Mail & Guardian Group. Tasman soon became a member of This Day's launch team, accepting the Advertising Director post. He was later promoted to Commercial Director of the publication.