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AAA School of Advertising awards two bursaries to deserving loveLife winners
This week, life-long dreams of Thulani Mahlangu and Thina Zibi, the winners of the AAA School of Advertising three-year bursaries for Johannesburg and Cape Town respectively, have come true.
The loveLife-inspired billboard competition began five months ago with the calling of entries through loveLife's youth magazine S'camtoUNCUT, to help educate the youth about the spread of HIV and AIDS.
The AAA School of Advertising was more than generous in its offer of two, three-year bursaries valued at more than R80 000 each to complete a diploma in either Visual Communication (with specialisation in Art Direction or Graphic Design) or Integrated Marketing Communication. In addition, R5 000 per year was also added to each prize winnings, to assist in covering art materials and course stationery requirements.
Over 3 800 entries were received by loveLife and through a rigorous process of elimination by the AAA School of Advertising panel of judges, Mahlangu's self-portrait coming of age with wisdom, and Zibi's oxymoron parallel between sweet wrappers and condoms, were both nominated as the resounding overall winners.