Uganda's president asks for changes to LGBT bill so identity is not criminalisedElias Biryabarema 28 Apr 2023
The grey list survival guide: compliance strategies for South African and Nigerian companiesOla Oyetayo 3 Apr 2023
To ban or not to ban plastic shopping bags? Implications and proposed solutionsAsphat Muposhi, Mercy Mpinganjira, Marius Wait 23 Jun 2021
Kenyan authorities set to regulate free-and-easy fintechAriana Issaias and Dominic Indokhomi 20 May 2021
South Sudan's chief justice is overstepping his bounds: why it matters for the rule of lawMark Deng 13 May 2021
Choosing Lesotho's judges on merit should be only the start of judicial reformsHoolo 'Nyane 12 May 2021