Almost 90% of the world's animal species will lose some habitat to agriculture by 2050David Williams and Michael Clark 22 Dec 2020
We found a way to turn urine into solid fertiliser - it could make farming more sustainablePrithvi Simha, Björn Vinnerås and Jenna Senecal 10 Nov 2020
Global food system emissions alone threaten warming beyond 1.5°C - but we can act now to stop itJohn Lynch 9 Nov 2020
Explainer: What's behind the locust swarms damaging crops in southern AfricaFrances Duncan 8 Oct 2020
Business as usual in post-pandemic recovery will only reinforce economic hardshipNjuguna Ndung'u 28 Sep 2020
Food prices in Nigeria have shot through the roof. But is the pandemic to blame?Adegboye, Folasade Bosede 19 Aug 2020