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To make 'C#.Net Developer jobs search: ' your first page to appear when you open your browser, follow the instructions below that are applicable to the browser you are using:
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⇓ Firefox
- Click on Tools on the menu bar.
- Select Options... from the menu.
- Select the General tab.
- In the Home Page: box, type /JobsOffered/410/0/bjs-C#.Net Developer/pi-511.html.
- Or alternatively, click on Use Current Page button.
- Click Ok.
⇓ Internet Explorer
- Click on Tools on the menu bar.
- Select Internet Options from the menu.
- Select the General tab.
- In the Home page box, type /JobsOffered/410/0/bjs-C#.Net Developer/pi-511.html.
- Or alternatively, click on Use current button.
- Click Ok.
⇓ Google Chrome
- Click on Tools icon on top right corner of the page.
- Select Settings from the menu.
- In the On start up section, tick Open a specific page radio button
- Click Set pages and type /JobsOffered/410/0/bjs-C#.Net Developer/pi-511.html.
- Or alternatively, click on Use current pages button.
- Click Ok.
⇓ Netscape
- Click Edit on the menu bar.
- Select Preferences from the menu.
- Select Navigator from the left hand pane.
- Click on the circle next to Home Page in the top right box.
- In the Home Page box, type /JobsOffered/410/0/bjs-C#.Net Developer/pi-511.html.
- Click OK.
⇓ Opera
- Click Opera on the menu bar.
- Select Settings > Preferences... from the menu.
- Select the General tab.
- In the Home page box, type /JobsOffered/410/0/bjs-C#.Net Developer/pi-511.html.
- Or alternatively, click on Use Current button.
- Click Ok.
⇓ Safari
- Click on Tools icon on top right corner of the page.
- Select Preferences from the menu.
- Select the General tab.
- In the Home page box, type /JobsOffered/410/0/bjs-C#.Net Developer/pi-511.html.
- Or alternatively, click on Set to Current Page button.
- Close the dialog box.
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