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Marketing & Media Forums Africa

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Old VW TV commercial

Looking for VW theme song 27 Nov 2006

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No to Mo the Meerkat

Can I really be the only one moved to homicidal dislike by Vodacom's creepy meerkat? 27 Nov 2006

Freeing the air waves

The Electronic Communications Act came into being this year. It is very difficult for me to understand the logic behind a clause in the ACT which give new applicants the RIGHT to go on air should they not get any response from the Authority within 30 days. 24 Nov 2006

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Presenting creative ideas during pitches

A Cape-based medium sized FMCG company recently asked a few agencies to pitch. Problem is, they insisted on seeing creative work/ideas during the pitch. One agency would get the account but would have all these ideas to work with.

  • Is there not a better way to do pitches?
  • What is the norm? 24 Nov 2006

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    KFC & Hang Ten

    Lame, Lame, Lame 24 Nov 2006

    More Mike Wills

    What I'd like to know, two months down the line, is how many people still listen to the Cape Talk breakfast show after Mike's departure. Did everybody give up and resign themselves to being dumbed down or do you, like me, now do the SAFM/Cape Talk shuffle? 24 Nov 2006

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    Ripped off by traffic department

    FNB asked us if we believe in the value of values, but time and time again it seems that the people that don't believe in them are the one's that thrive. 24 Nov 2006

    Foul Play

    In his article "Ban on junk food advertising is misguided", Chris Moerdyk states: "Banning ads isn't going to achieve anything because kids aren't even seeing the ads let alone reacting to them." 24 Nov 2006

    Communicating with illiterate rural people.

    How does one get a message across to people that don't take media for granted? 24 Nov 2006

    Dismal Logo Designs

    Inferior logo designs of professional soccer outfits in SA 24 Nov 2006

    Role Of Trade Publications (FMCG Trade)

    As the only guaranteed method of ensuring that a brand's message is seen by the trade that sell it to the consumer, why do current brand managers not make more use of this valuable channel, as endorsed by the Consumer Goods Council Of SA? 24 Nov 2006

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    Fake ads. Worth the reward?

    Should one idiot (let's call him the client) be able to stop a great idea? 26 Oct 2006

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    Leave me alone, pesky telemarketer!

    Are you also being irritated by numerous insurance and/or credit card companies offering you products you never asked for? 23 Oct 2006

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    Illegal use of footage in major overseas ad campaign

    I am writing this in the hope that someone can provide me with some guidance. A television advertisement is currently being screened across the UK in which my daughter appears. 1 Sep 2006

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    What does it take to get a community newspaper going?

    I have run a community newsletter in my local community and would now like to take it further than the double-sided A4 sheet. 22 Aug 2006

    Are we missing a trick?

    Once upon a time a great ad that won awards influenced sales and changed marketing. Today ads that 'creatives' switch off influence sales, and win marketing/branding awards. Are we as aspiring creatives missing the boat that Mo the Meerkat sailed in on? 15 Aug 2006

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    SA 2010 logo

    I've just seen what is apparently the logo for WC 2010 in South Africa and frankly, I'm disappointed. 15 Jul 2006

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    Marketing in the industrial arena

    I find myself in the manufacturing arena. The ads in our industry are shocking, the PR is mostly soppy press releases, the information on marketing in this segment is so limited. 13 Jul 2006

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    Ford rugby field?

    Our population is 80% football crazy and only 20% rugby fanatics and yet Ford's latest TV ad targets the 20%? 10 Jul 2006

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    Mike Will's departure from Cape Talk

    The recent reshuffle, and departure of Mike Wills from Cape Talk has gone down with relatively little comment from the media and advertising industry as a whole. 6 Jul 2006

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    Why the 99c pricing policy?

    Since the demise of the 1 and 2 cent coins, why do retailers still advertise goods with 99c tagged on the end? 3 Jul 2006

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    Poor pay for writers

    Why are PR companies getting away with offering pathetic salaries for experienced writers? 7 Jun 2006

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    Car ads cluttering Tuesday nights

    Tuesday is my TV night, and all my friends know not to call, interrupt, phone for a moan or even pop in. (Yes, I know I'm getting old.) With the likes of 'Smallville', 'Prison Break' and '24' on, supper is made early and then the couch marathon starts. 'Smallville' is sponsored by Citroen, 'Prison Break' by Peugeot, '24' by Kia... 24 May 2006

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    Tap ads damaging the brand?

    The new Isca tap ad campaign currently on TV shows taps "so good you won't want to do certain things in front of them" - or some other lame line. Am I alone in thinking that they are damaging the image of the brand? 16 May 2006

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    Help: How does one disconnect from the ad world and become normal again?

    I've been in the industry for many years and feel as though it has changed me for the worse! 14 May 2006

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    Is there a way to evaluate web coverage?

    How do we realistically attach a monetary value to editorial placed on the web? 5 May 2006

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    Not a PRISA member

    I am a Public Relations Officer in the local government section. I need somebody to explain to me what am I missing by not being a PRISA member. 4 May 2006

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    Pepsi's SA arrival campaign

    Who do they think they are...? 3 May 2006

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    DAB pilot transmissions

    DAB radio has been available on a test basis in Gauteng since 1997. One analogue VHF frequency will enable seven digital channels to broadcast in the same bandwidth. Why has it not been licensed here? 26 Apr 2006

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