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Marketing & Media Forums Africa

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MTN advertising negative business practice?

Does anyone else think the latest series of MTN ads (ama ten ten) are supporting negative business practice. 10 Jan 2005

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The Tsunami and the SA Eagle ad

Given the scale of the horror left in the wake of the Tsunami, you'd think that SA Eagle would place a different ad... but no. 9 Jan 2005

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What's with the posters and stickers?

I have encountered lots of posters and stickers in Durban, stuck all over the place. Then I found a huge red three stuck on my door this morning. It looks like an advertising capmaign, or kids messing around. Anyone else see this? or know who's gonna pay for my door to be cleaned?! 16 Dec 2004

Miss SA -- where has the glamour gone??

Miss SA as broadcasted on SABC 1 on Saturday, 11 December 2004. 14 Dec 2004

Late Nite With Paul Viv

It's about time SABC 3 had a late night talk show and Late Nite With Paul Viv is a breath of much needed fresh air. 8 Dec 2004

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What ever happened to the great Hollard life ads

Remember the "life is too short" campaign? Brilliant 3 Dec 2004

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Plea for assistance

We are looking for a publishing deal. 2 Dec 2004

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Fanta - The Fun will find You

What is fun about being abducted? 1 Dec 2004

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Hyundai tv ads: How to blow your budget.

The latest was for some 4x4 veeachle. A lovely blonde lady takes a bottle of beer and uses her eye socket to pop the top - with the payoff 'really tough' or something to that effect. 1 Dec 2004

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Online Journalism vs. Print Journalism

Many people have speculated that soon print journalism will become redundant due to technological advancement. One thing I have noticed, however, is that a lot of online publications simply lift articles from newswires. 30 Nov 2004

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Business Development

There is a lot of buzz going on in the IT world at the moment around SMB, most vendors are stepping-up their activities in this arena. What I want to find out if anyone is helping the targetted SMBs to achieve the growth now expected of them? 29 Nov 2004

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Perception Rules - Hyundai Getz

Amazing how the Hyundai Getz is bought and driven by females ONLY. 25 Nov 2004

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Background ad music

Why do ad agencies use the same background music that was used in another ad, while a consumer clearly identifies the music with the product that used the music initially? 23 Nov 2004

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Bank advertising

Is it just me or is the latest spate of banking advertisements on radio a perfect reflection of just how condescending banks are? 21 Nov 2004

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Artist As Brand

Exploiting the image of an artist, and the notion of fine art, to create a brand. It is troubling to me that the image of the artist has trancended the work itself. 21 Nov 2004

Why can't Yfm go national?

Sometime last year when I was in Jozi, I listened to Yfm for the very first time and liked it but now that I'm back home there's no more Yfm. WHY? 19 Nov 2004

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Dettol Ad

Is it just me or does the current Dettol ad feature a new style family, as in two mums and a their little girl? 18 Nov 2004

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Inappropriate news footage

The visuals used in the background of etv's news insert regarding the alleged club bouncer beatings were not inside Tiger Tiger. 17 Nov 2004

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Vodafone brand advertising in SA?

Could someone please shed some light on why Vodafone has started advertising in SA over the weekend, is it because of their association with 3G and Blackberry or will Vodacom become Vodafone? 16 Nov 2004

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Constantly fed bad news

I think that one of the reasons that South Africans are so negative is that we're fed bad news every half an hour on the radio. 16 Nov 2004

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Chanel No 5 Advert

Extravagent waste of time and money - or brilliance? 15 Nov 2004

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Post office radio ad

Suggesting that you should get a post box because the post office will probably lose your street delivery mail????? 11 Nov 2004

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Sickly sweet family adverts

I would so love to see the end of those sickly sweet family adverts with the false children's laughter in the background, mothers and families sitting at the table telling us how easy it is to prepare and the family with stupid grins all over their faces. 10 Nov 2004

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What is Johnnic doing to Sowetan?

The low down dirty headlines are not working, they might for the Daily Sun but not for the average Sowetan readers, which is why they read Sowetan and not the Daily Sun. 10 Nov 2004

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Online Payment

Is paying online working? 10 Nov 2004

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Christmas parties? Here we go again...

It's that time of the year again. Huge end-of-year parties with media owners, clients, agencies and off course, massive amounts of alcohol. 10 Nov 2004

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Sasol Rugby Commercial

Not since Costner wandered around in his under-rods in Waterworld has such a continental budget been more wasted. 10 Nov 2004

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New Santam SOS campaign

Does the weirdness of Santam's current campaign work for you? 10 Nov 2004

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Jo-burg City Community Radio

Jo-burg City Community Radio Needs Funding! 8 Nov 2004

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Why are SA companies so eager to sponsor sport?

Why do most SA company sponsor sport with huge amounts of money, but when it comes to helping the community they don't have money? 8 Nov 2004

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