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Marketing & Media Forums Africa

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The Tastic ad with the Daschund

Can the ASA really take complaints about this one seriously? 2 Feb 2004

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SABC's 3Bee Loyalty Campaign

I was already getting irritated with the distracting banners SABC3 continually run across the screen when programming is running late, and now we also have some little character bouncing around ... 2 Feb 2004

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Fast foods and obesity

Fast food consumption went up in the nineties in line with the increase in obesity and diabetes. 1 Feb 2004

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Job offers and rejections

What if a company advertises for a position, you apply, they show great interest, but then suddenly they stop and go quiet? Is this not poor professional conduct? 28 Jan 2004

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Healthcare Advertising - you should be paying attention

As a highly-specialised form of advertising, why does healthcare advertising and the important role it plays in educating and influencing remain the poor cousin of mainstream advertising? 20 Jan 2004

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IEC not in touch with SA roots

Is local not lekker for IEC after ten years of democracy? There is an IEC re-registor advert running on radio which encourages people to vote. The peculiar thing is the voice is that of American R&B singer. 16 Jan 2004

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Open markets in SA

Are you happy with this monopoly system driving the country's economy, or do we need open markets? We should vote for politicians who will give competition a run in this country. 15 Jan 2004

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Bank on South Africa

FNB have a new campaign promoting South Africa with reasons to bank on our country. 13 Jan 2004

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Your SABC ads

SABC have a new campaign of truly touching adverts. 11 Jan 2004

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Do these 'feel-good' ads really inspire goodwill?

The latest Shell ad lauds Shell's Public Affairs manager for his involvement in developmental and educational projects in Southern Africa. 8 Jan 2004

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TV slots and dodgy advertising

What must be arguably THE WORST ad on TV at the moment!! There is an ad that I have seen a few times now on the telly. It is for some funny sweet manufacturer and involves two minutes or so of a kid dressed up as a ringmaster droning on about various examples of sweets. 4 Jan 2004

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The new Cell-C campaign

Am I the only one out there who thinks that NO-ONE talks like they do in these ads? Not even the age group projected in the campaign knows what's going on! 16 Dec 2003

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Xmas parties - Drinking & driving

I have been in the industry for quite a while and the amount of drinking at industry functions, followed by inebriated people driving home, has never ceased to amaze me. Media owners, clients, agencies etc. invite their guests to come have a good time with them (which more often than not means having loads to drink), but don't seem to care how these valued guests get home. 1 Dec 2003

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What's up with retail ads in general?

Sure, you get some good ads - retail - but why are most so crap, that they totally put you off a product. 18 Nov 2003

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Original ideas

Is it really true that great minds think alike or is it just that great ideas are adopted over and over again. 10 Nov 2003

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Viral marketing examples

There has been a recent debate on what exactly is Viral Marketing. Here is an open forum to list all creative examples of Viral Marketing that you have come accross, not only in the online world. 9 Nov 2003

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New DROS commercial - completely inappropriate voice-over

Has anybody seen the new Dros Restaurants commercial in which the people (and the restaurant chain) are portrayed as fiercely patriotic South Africans? 6 Nov 2003

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Holding advertising accountable

If advertising is to be seen as an investment and not an expense, surely agencies should do more to show evidence of the link between their work and their client's business imperatives. 16 Oct 2003

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''Account managers have become highly paid messengers''

''They do not contribute strategically to my brand, they do not understand the media options and their strengths, they do not provide good service and they defend expensive advertising proposals made by the ad agency without considering alternative solutions.'' 9 Oct 2003

ThisDay launched on 7 October - will it survive?

It is a national daily at R3.00/issue. Will advertisers support it? How does the first few issues look? The focus is quality news with daily copy from the London Times and New York Times. Sharing African focused content with the Nigerian This Day should also raise the quality and reduce costs. 9 Oct 2003

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Is advertising becoming more of a science than an art?

With more and more people from a non-art and -design background such as social and cultural sciences being employed in the advertising industry, has advertising become more of a science using experiments and cultural/social research to observe and scrutinise a target audience's interests, as opposed to witty, snappy, memorable copylines and imagery? 6 Oct 2003

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Shouldn't the Loeries be a non-profit organization?

Where does all the money go? Should it be used for development projects or helping deserving winners with entry fees for international awards instead of going into the MFSA's coffers? 3 Oct 2003

Marketing software ideas

If you were given the opportunity to create a product, without any limitations, that would help you in your marketing efforts, what would you envision? 26 Sep 2003

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Agency pitches

As a smaller agency, how does one get to hear of work out for pitch, or indeed new clients looking for world class agency's to handle their accounts. 26 Sep 2003

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Plagiarism again

So far the industry has been rather quiet on the fact that Cynthia Vongai has been accused of plagiarising off the net. 24 Sep 2003

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Bad Planning

"Why, am I as an avid English Football fan who is, let's face it, in all likelihood English speaking, subjected to ads at half-time promoting sokkie treffers and Bok jol? What are these idiots thinking?" 22 Sep 2003

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Media Accountability: Public Interest or Self-Ideological Interest

The mainstream media in our country, more than any other time before the early 90s, has assumed a very unhealthy robust attitude that has relegated its role to pushing more business and upper-class interest to boost sales – NOT the public interest. 16 Sep 2003

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Personal brand identity

Although we may be branding experts, the advertising and marketing world can be a difficult place for the individual to discover who he/she really is. - Sid Peimer 15 Sep 2003

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Research on industrial theatre as an industry

Is industrial theatre an industry or not, and how big is its market? 3 Sep 2003

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Freelancing & 'intellectual property'

How do creatives, without the benefit of agency backing, 'protect' their creative from shady clients? 28 Aug 2003

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