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Marketing & Media Forums Africa

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Finally they notice we spend money too

Indians are finally being targeted through advertising! 24 Mar 2003

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How are cigarette brands meant to advertise these days?

The legislation is unclear to me as a marketing student. 17 Mar 2003

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Anything original left to produce

Everything I see is the same. 17 Mar 2003

SMS Advertising

It's an idle Sunday and suddenly your phone beeps at you. You read the message and you're greeted by an advert for some obscure club you have never heard about let alone opted in for their one million ads a week sent to your private cell number! 16 Mar 2003

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M-Net and Supersport advertising

Is it only me who is irritated by the tedious onslaught of own-channel, self promotional advertising that envelops just about any sporting event broadcast on these channels. 12 Mar 2003

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Colgate Beaver Ad

Surely we can do better than the cheap looking, badly dubbed version. 11 Mar 2003

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Employment Equity

Is employment equity scaring off our white youth??? 11 Mar 2003

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What gets you to watch a movie?

Another movie hits the big screen... what makes you go watch it? The publicity? The trailers? Friends comments? What? 10 Mar 2003

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How valuable is a designer in business?

Do Designers get their pennies worth for the creativity and originality they shed from hardwork in a demanding business where deadlines are the order of the day? In alot of instances, I think not... 4 Mar 2003

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Castle Lager / Cricket ad

I'm sure you've all seen it by now. A couple of guys can't get tickets and they decide to write messages on pieces of fabric, stitch them together and make a flag. 28 Feb 2003

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Laugh it off promotions

SAB are upset about the Black Labour thing, are they justified? 20 Feb 2003

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SAA cricket Campaign

I am a bit worried that SAA thinks the only way we are to win the world cup is to cheat! 18 Feb 2003

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More Recruitment Woes

Am I right in assuming that Recruiters charging candidates money to keep their CVs on a database is illegal? 18 Feb 2003

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Coega TV ad

The new TV ad for the Coega development is truly shocking. Am I really supposed to feel a rush of patriotic pride for a construction project where they show the developers dynamiting and bulldozing a beautiful section of our coast? 18 Feb 2003

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Your private E-mail being read

How may people realise that their boss is reading their private E-mail 18 Feb 2003

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Castle's "SA flag" campaign

The Castle "SA flag" campaign was a brilliant idea, but I really think they missed out on pre-World Cup publicity. 18 Feb 2003

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42 million supporters?

One team, 42 million supporters, says Standard Bank. I saw the ad a few times before it dawned. It's so easy not to question ads. 17 Feb 2003

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How & Why?

How does a person break into advertising and why are NON-WHITE persons never chosen to fill positions in these fields? 12 Feb 2003

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Recruitment Agents should be shot

Do they think people are stupid? 11 Feb 2003

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Telkom's ''Down memory lane'' ad a dud

This tv ad is very misleading and mischievous, to say the least. 9 Feb 2003

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More news on Community Radio

I would like to request more info/news on smaller radio stations. 3 Feb 2003

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Accepting ads from the opposition

On Friday The Citizen carried an advert for The Star, opinions? 2 Feb 2003

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Students training programmes

We are a students' organisation and would like to know if there's any body who would like to assist by offering training or internships. 30 Jan 2003

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Reliable information on Radio in South Africa requested

Can anyone assist me in finding case studies of campaigns launched on radio only - either retail, travel and transport, food beverages, health and beauty, business-to-business and Education. 27 Jan 2003

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Telkom's 'Touch Tomorrow' advert

I would like to comment on the new Telkom ad. Their catchline is "touch tomorrow" and they take us down a memory lane of significant historic events that happened in South Africa (all being confirmed with a phone call). 22 Jan 2003

Trying to locate Sara Woolfson

Hi, On behalf of my son - Nicholas - I am trying to get hold of Sara. She works in the advertising industry in Johannesburg and London. She is the MD of her agency - but I don't know the agency's name. Can you help? TIA 14 Jan 2003

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Bursaries / Sponsorships / Loans

Which companies offer (1) bursaries (2)part sponsorships or loans that can be repayed after studies? 8 Jan 2003

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DTP? What are the chances .... ?

I want to do a comprehensive DTP course but what are the opportunities or chances of employment once I am qualified and what are prospective employees looking for in a portfolio (specific tips)? 8 Jan 2003

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Playstation Ad

Whip your wife? 6 Jan 2003

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Delivering Eyeblasters / TangoZebra Rich Media over flash content.

What contingencies do we need to consider when redesigning our site, so we can have flash content and Rich-Media ad technologies serving at the same time? 6 Jan 2003

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