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Exhibitions Africa

Egypt frees Al Jazeera journalist, but… - 2 Feb 2015

[Rod Baker, @Biz_Africa] Peter Greste, one of the three Al Jazeera journalists jailed last year in Egypt for alleged terrorism-related charges, has been freed and deported. But that still leaves Canadian citizen Mohamed Fahmy and their Egyptian Al Jazeera colleague Baher Mohamed. read more

Lobola goes mobile - 26 Jan 2015

[Rod Baker, @Biz_Africa] Lobola has gone mobile and not everyone is happy. The issue? A new mobile app that takes the African tradition of paying a bride price into the technological age... read more

Until we meet again… - 19 Jan 2015

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] It is with a sad heart that I write my last ed's column today as I bid this fabulous company,, and all our readers farewell. I have always had the dratted travel bug (which cannot be cured with any vaccination unfortunately), and so, when the opportunity arrived to leave on a jet-plane to Northern Italy for a few months, I simply couldn't decline. read more

Give that brand a boost… - 12 Jan 2015

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] Looking to break into the lucrative African market? Leigh Andrews reports that the key may lie in a new online directory, A-Listers, with the power of social network functionality that links your brand to African celebrities. She chatted to Laura Eboa Songue, Founder of A-Listers, to find out more... On the digital/mobile front, the Nigerian Government has revealed plans to connect 50% of its population to 3G broadband during the course of 2015; and international research firm Frost & Sullivan predicts sub-Saharan Africa will over the next seven years experience the fastest growth in mobile usage globally. Last but not least, check out some tips on hiring the right employee for a small business as well as how to react when making market research mistakes. read more

Let’s make 2015 a year to remember - for all the right reasons - 5 Jan 2015

[Rod Baker] 2014 has come and gone, and it's history... even though much of what began last year seems destined to continue... read more

2015… Bring it on! - 15 Dec 2014

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] Well, we've reached the end of the year, albeit too often in the dark, but this is the time of the year when we get together with our families and friends and enjoy our time together. So from all of us here at, to all of you - our clients, advertisers, readers and followers - a hearty Best Wishes to you all, and to those dear to you. This has not been the easiest of years, but 2014 is almost at an end and if there is one thing history has taught us, it is that South Africans of all colours, creeds and walks-of-life are resilient... read more

And so the planning begins... - 8 Dec 2014

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] That's planning for 2015 of course, not your Christmas lunch... What will your focus be next year? David Alves suggests eight things to consider when plotting your 2015 digital marketing strategy. read more

The 'curse' of creativity... - 1 Dec 2014

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] In her TrendTalk column, Creativity's 'curse', Louise Marsland discusses the importance of being creative at work as well as outside of work. Covering the DMX Conference, Leigh Andrews gives some tips to getting your website to stand out from the rest. She also elaborates on Gemalto's African mobile marketing win-win plan, and shares vice president of mobile marketing for Gemalto, Nadia Gonzalez's secrets to getting your African mobile marketing plan right. Alex Salter, CEO of SamKnows, in his piece Connecting with purpose: The internet forces shaping modern Africa, urges African nations to leverage the lessons already learned by other global telecom regulators and governments. In other news, Ogilvy & Mather appointed Paul Shearer as its new CCO Middle East, North Africa; and the AdFocus Awards 2014 took place last week in Johannesburg - congratulations to all the winners! Last but not least, in last week's Biz Takeouts show, @BizWazza had Misha Teasdale and Lauren O'Donnell from Greenpop, and Kilowatt AV CEO, Dillon Jearey in studio. read more

Hip Hip Hooray for the winners of PromaxBDA! - 24 Nov 2014

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] Last Friday saw PromaxBDA Africa, which brings creatives together to explore thought-leadership, technology and the latest developments in the media marketing sector, take place at the Maslow Hotel in Sandton, Johannesburg. Congratulations to all the winners! Talking about awards, another big congratulations to the winners of the 2014 CNBC Africa All Africa Business Leaders Awards Presented by Johnnie Walker Blue Label (AABLAs)! In the 2014 Brand Africa 100 rankings of the most admired and most valuable brands in sub-Saharan Africa, MTN came out tops. read more

Another AfricaCom and gone... - 17 Nov 2014

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] The 17th AfricaCom has come and gone, and delegates were once again treated to a plethora of keynotes, sessions, exhibition stands and networking opportunities on all things digital technology, ICT, telecommunications and media across Africa. A big congratulations to all the AfricaCom Awards 2014 winners as well! If you missed it, find out who they are here. read more

Talking workplace trends… - 10 Nov 2014

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] In her TrendsTalk column, Louise Marsland discusses five trends that are shaping the future of work: new behaviours; technologies; the millennial workforce; mobility and globalisation. Leigh Andrews reports on the first ever #MRMW Africa conference in [MRMW] Adapt or die - spotlight on mobile market research. According to Shirley Harding, executive head of market research at Standard Bank and speaker at the event, mobile is going to fundamentally alter the research path. I attended the recent BlackBerry Experience event, held in partnership with ITWeb, where keynote speaker and Head of Security at BlackBerry, Nader Henein, shared a few lessons learned from BlackBerry's experience with Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) customers and how to navigate this complex landscape. In other news, the grand finale of the annual AABLAs are quickly approaching, with the ultimate business game-changers being announced on 14 November; and if you missed last week's Biz Takeouts show, make sure you listen to the podcast which is now available. Last but not least, congratulations to our #myofficeinafrica Instagram competition winner, @kirsten85. read more

The more things change, the more you can’t stay the same… - 3 Nov 2014

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] Thanks to the internet, the way our brains work - how we shop online, and the way we operate offline - has changed for good. Claire Cobbledick reckons businesses have to adjust their thinking - their customers already have. In his article titled Positioning luxury brands in emerging markets, Cobus van Zyl says that it would be wise, when planning a new campaign or product launch, to take a more outside-in approach when designing a message for a specific target audience. read more

Retail in Africa making waves - 27 Oct 2014

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] The 2014 Retail Congress Africa Award for Innovation has been awarded to the Okunoren Twins - Nigerian clothing icons. The awards celebrates retailers who are driving change with inspirational vision and foresight. read more

The next frontier - 20 Oct 2014

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] Carol Pineau suspects that if one were to create a map of data sets throughout the world, it would look much like the electricity map - data overload in the US, Europe and parts of Asia, yet a mere sprinkling around North Africa, South Africa, Lagos and Kenya. She reckons data is the next frontier and that it matters enormously. read more

More awards, more rewards - 13 Oct 2014

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] Even though I often think that there really are enough awards shows by now, plus rumours of future awards shows for the best awards shows (if that doesn't in fact exist already), it is nonetheless always great to see excellent work in the industry acknowledged and rewarded. The beginning of this month saw yet another advertising awards show - the second African Cristal Awards - take place in Marrakesh, Morocco, which brought together African and international experts to celebrate exceptional work produced on the continent. read more

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