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Digital Africa

There is no Planet B - 29 Oct 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] You ask what is Planet B? To me, Planet B means that Earth is our only option we have right now, there is no other place where we as humans are going to survive if we destroy our planet. From 24-26 October 2012, I was honoured to attend the inaugural Sustain Our Africa (#SOASummit) which took place in Cape Town, South Africa. read more

Sustain Our Africa kicks off this week - 22 Oct 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] Sustain Our Africa, a collaborative sustainability communications platform that acts as a catalyst for change, takes place this week from 24-26 October 2012, in Cape Town, South Africa. This is reportedly the first annual sustainability summit where you can hear 50 change agents over three days. read more

Be alert to cybercrime! - 15 Oct 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] Could you imagine life without the internet? I certainly couldn't! In 2012, we are more connected to the world than ever before. We use the internet for almost all of our day-to-day needs from shopping to submitting taxes. read more

Happy Independence Day Uganda! - 8 Oct 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] Tomorrow, 9 October 2012, Uganda celebrates 50 years of gaining its independence from Britain in 1962, maintaining its Commonwealth membership. I'm pretty sure that there will be many celebrations across the country. Last week, media owners and managers in Uganda were asked to popularise the national anthem on a daily basis in the run up to mark Uganda's golden jubilee independence anniversary, However, it appears that radio and television stations failed to do so. read more

We've launched a new site header! - 1 Oct 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] In efforts to stay at the top of our game, today we launched a new header to improve navigation and highlights all our industry sectors. These sectors include: Agriculture, Arts, Automotive, Building & Construction, CSI, Education, Conservation, Finance, Maritime, Government, Human Resources, IT & Telecommunications, Legal, Lifestyle, Logistics, Manufacturing, Medical, Security, Mining, Property, Science & Technology, Sport, and Tourism & Hospitality - all of which you can subscribe to a weekly newsletter. If you're wishing to contribute news in these industries, here's a list of addresses to where you can send your news. Let us know what you think by telling us on our Facebook page or tweeting us @Biz_Africa. read more

Flame-grilled South Africa - 25 Sep 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] If you're wondering why you never received your newsletter yesterday, it's because it was Heritage Day in South Africa. In 2005, the public holiday was nicknamed National Braai Day. read more

Book your place at AfricaCom - 17 Sep 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] Come November, AfricaCom will once again take place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. This year, the conference will be celebrating innovation in today's digital Africa. read more

Highway Africa kicks off! - 10 Sep 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] The 16th edition of the Highway Africa Conference, an annual gathering of African journalists and communications experts, kicked off yesterday, 9 September 2012, at Rhodes University in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Hundreds of media professionals, academics and activists have gathered to take part in the discussions around the theme "Africa Rising? How the media frame the continent's geopolitics, trade and economic growth". Unfortunately I was unable to attend this year's conference, but I've been keeping up to date by following the hashtag #HAGFMD2012 on Twitter. read more

The media revolution continues - 3 Sep 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] The 14th Pan African Media Research Organisation (PAMRO) and All Africa Media Research Conference took place last week from 26-29 August 2012 in Uganda. Carole Kimutai was there to cover what was discussed. read more

Stepping out in Africa - 27 Aug 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] The 14th PAMRO All Africa Media Research Conference, under the theme "From Local to Global: Media Research in a Developing World", kicked off yesterday in Uganda and will continue until Wednesday, 29 August 2012. Presentations expected to take place will address a range of subjects including television audience research methodologies, as well as the measurement and status of radio, print, internet and outdoor in Africa. read more

Stay informed - 20 Aug 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] Today's world is becoming more busy than ever before. With so much at stake, it's definitely a good idea to stay informed about what's going on around you and in your respective industries. Here are 7 tips that can help you:

  1. Watch the news
  2. Make sure you get a credible newspaper
  3. Subscribe to news and opinion magazines
  4. Stay balanced
  5. Read books by top officials, pundits, and those in the know
  6. Check news sites as often as you can
  7. Talk with other informed people. read more

And then the Olympics came to an end... - 13 Aug 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] With the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games sadly coming to an end yesterday, I am nothing more than proud of Team Africa! Our continent tallied a total of 31 Olympic medals - how amazing is that? Leading the pack with the most amount of medals are: Kenya - 11; Ethiopia - 7 and South Africa - 6, followed by Egypt, Algeria, Uganda, Botswana and Gabon also winning medals. As I predicted, Africa walked away with more than a handful of medals. read more

Bizcommunity turns 11! - 6 Aug 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] would never be where it is today without the loyal support of our communities. During the month of August, Bizcommunity celebrates 11 years since our very first newsletter was sent out in 2001. read more

Launching the Uganda Press Photo Award 2012 - 30 Jul 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] The Foreign Correspondents Association of Uganda (FCAU) has unveiled its plans to launch the inaugural Uganda Press Photo Award 2012. The purpose of the this award is to promote photojournalism in Uganda and celebrate Ugandan photojournalists. read more

2012 CNN MultiChoice African Journalists named - 23 Jul 2012

[Evan-Lee Courie @evan1985] Tom Mboya and Evanson Nyaga were named the overall winners of the 2012 CNN MultiChoice African Journalist of the Year at this year's awards ceremony on Saturday evening, 21 July 2012. The pair from Kenya, won the award for their work 'African Tribe in India', which aired on Citizen TV, and were chosen from among 1 799 entries from 42 nations across the African continent. read more

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