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2014, we are ready for you! - 8 Jan 2014

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] Well, welcome back to all in our Biz Africa community! Hope you all had a wonderful break, and if you didn't have a break, I hope you will have one soon. We are already a week into the new year and things are slowly but surely starting to pick up. read more

Have a holly jolly Christmas this year! - 17 Dec 2013

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] And so the year draws to a close... What an eventful year - full of fun, adventure, stress, scandals, laughs and tears. read more

Not moving back, but rather moving forward... - 9 Dec 2013

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] Bruce Mubayiwa has been appointed managing partner of Homecoming Revolution. I had a chat with him and company founder and CEO, Angel Jones about Mubayiwa's new role as well as where the company is headed. read more

If you're on holiday, does it mean your target market is too? - 2 Dec 2013

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] A presence on communicates to our readers and your prospects that African digipreneurs are open for business, open 24/7, open to opportunity. Bizcommunity has got some exciting things for you this holiday season, including a selection of the year's top stories on our site, the most tweeted and shared, as well as special content from key contributors - aiming to provide our audiences with more than enough must-read content to tide them over the "silly season". read more

Silly Season is upon us! - 25 Nov 2013

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] The festive season is upon us and Ferdie Bester reminds us that now is not the time to let your mobile ads go on holiday too. He suggests you get your mobile ad campaigns ready for December and gives some helpful advice on how to keep your customers happy during the holidays. read more

Giving honour where honour is due - 18 Nov 2013

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] Last week saw the 16th annual AfricaCom conference take place in Cape Town. With three jam-packed days delegates were bombarded with information (in a good way) about building Africa's digital economy. read more

Five great SEO tips for Africa - 11 Nov 2013

[Rod Baker, Content Director, @Biz_Africa] Search engine optimisation (SEO) is very important for the success of any website, but not everyone gets it right - so it's just as well that Charles Mburugu is giving you five great WordPress SEO tips - use them... and grow your business. When will Africa's leaders learn? At this rate, it seems it might take some time. read more

Hello Movember! - 4 Nov 2013

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] Well, November has arrived and many moustaches have said goodbye to their owners' familiar faces in support of Movember, a prostate cancer awareness campaign. Christmas decorations are springing up at the speed of lightning and we are quickly reminded that 2013 is on its back. read more

Saying sorry can go a long way - 28 Oct 2013

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] After the whole fiasco of MetropolitanRepublic withdrawing its MTN Project Uganda entry which was found not to have met the Loeries entry criteria, and recanting statements which was made during an interview on SAfm recently, the board of the Loeries has accepted the agency's apology. The Homecoming Revolution last week hosted its first VIP think tank at Norton Rose Fulbright offices in Johannesburg. read more

You win some, you lose some... - 21 Oct 2013

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] MetropolitanRepublic's Project Uganda for MTN has been stripped of its Grand Prix it received at this year's Loerie Awards. It reportedly doesn't meet the Loeries criteria which require that all entries must be commercially published, launched or aired to a substantial audience for the first time between 1 June 2012 and 31 May 2013. read more

Cheers to all the African Journalist Awards winners! - 14 Oct 2013

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] This weekend saw the 18th CNN MultiChoice Journalist Awards take place at the CTICC in Cape Town. Two South Africans from The Daily Dispatch, Msindisi Fengu and Yandisa Monakali, were named overall CNN MultiChoice African Journalists of the Year. read more

Brand building is about copywriters - 7 Oct 2013

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] According to Chemory Gunko, internet brand building is about copywriters. She says that when bots search the internet, they search the words, letters, numbers and instructions that make up the DNA of your document. read more

Fancy getting a Masters in Publicity? - 30 Sep 2013

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] Since its launch a few years ago, the Bizcommunity Press Office has evolved and expanded into a hub where clients can monitor performance of their publicity and manage their recruitment advertising. Join our community now to get your name and brand messages out into and across the digital landscape! Tiffany Markman takes a deeper look into the art of multitasking and, unfortunately for me, and possibly many of you, it has been proven that multitasking is actually a weakness, not a strength... read more

The state of advertising in Africa - 23 Sep 2013

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] Is Africa the Dark Continent when it comes to the advertising industry? On the contrary, says Alan Edgar, Regional Creative Director, Ogilvy Africa and one of the regional judges for the African & Middle East category at this year's Loeries. It's alive and vibrant, but in dire need of world-class tertiary training institutions to tap into that potential. And a coup for MTN... read more

Here’s to the Facebook team… - 16 Sep 2013

[Ilse van den Berg, @Biz_Africa] Samkelisiwe Dlalisa shares some insight on how Facebook has once again updated its competition guidelines and why this is making the lives of social media managers so much easier. On the branding front, Diane Charton says that consumers take a central role in brand stories. read more

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