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Media abuse during African elections - 11 Oct 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] There are a number of interesting conferences coming up, including the 2010 IABC Africa conference, the Wits-hosted Recent Elections and the Media in Africa conference, which launches today, as well as the Wits Power Reporting conference. All three plan on imparting valuable information for the experienced as well as young entrants to the various sectors of the media industry. read more

Loeries leaves CT intact - 4 Oct 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] The 2010 Loerie Awards has come and gone, leaving the Mother City just about intact. While I didn't venture out to experience all the hoo-ha this year, I imagine it all went along swimmingly. read more

Business as usual - 27 Sep 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] It's a rude awakening after you spend a long weekend relaxing, thanks to Heritage Day in South Africa, and rock up at work to realise the rest of the world went on without you while you were thinking up some funny #braailyrics with friends and family around a fire. Media freedom remains under constant attack in Somalia with broadcasting staff walking out after refusing to follow orders to transmit Islamic messages only from militia. read more

Reels of talent in Africa - 20 Sep 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] The African film industry is headlining in 2010 with some great showings at various film festivals globally including the annual Tri Continental Film Festival which showcases films from around the world, as well as the Africa in Motion Festival. Africa definitely has a large pool of talented filmmakers who capture the continent's history and culture from a home-grown perspective. There's a new face on Facebook and this man needs no introduction in Nigeria; it's none other than President Goodluck Jonathan. read more

The bane of working online - 13 Sep 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] There are few things worse than showing up bright and early for work on a Monday morning ready to take on the world and suddenly you're faced with an obstacle even worse than an empty milk carton for your coffee fix...a slow internet connection. Working in an online environment means that you depend on the speed of your connection to get the simplest of things done - here at Bizcommunity we suffer the same misfortune on random occasions that have people cursing, groaning and sighing and even crying - on the inside that is - while IT calmly ponders over what could have gone wrong. It is the bane of online businesses; the nagging thorn in one's side when time after time the page you've been trying to open for the last five minutes "times out". But, all things considered regarding the internet, we have many things to be grateful for; it has allowed the human right of access to information to shine bright, enabling freedoms in many countries worldwide including that of expression, it allows us to connect with old friends and make new ones, it helps distant relatives stay in touch. Communication is faster - you no longer have to wait for a hand-written letter to arrive telling you you're going to be a grandfather. read more

Spring has sprung for Africa - 6 Sep 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] The Bizcommunity Cape Town team welcomed in spring last Friday with a flower-powered celebration that saw some crazy outfits come out of staff closets. I, for one, am glad blistery cold winter is finally over for 2010 and we're on the home-stretch to the festive season and some summer fun. Coinciding with the advent of spring was the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) and the inaugural meeting of the Declaration of Table Mountain's African steering committee in Kenya. read more

Well done Loeries finalists! - 30 Aug 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] Congratulations to all the 2010 Loeries finalists; we in Cape Town look forward to hosting the lot of you! While I sincerely preferred Loeries in the quaint holiday town of Margate, I suppose Cape Town has its pluses. Hopefully the weather is gorgeous over that weekend so all you tourists can enjoy the beautiful city to the max when you're not off celebrating your wins and toasting to knocking the competition out. Special congratulations go to finalists outside of South Africa which includes a number from the UAE region, but more specifically, DDB Mozambique and Kenya's Scanad. read more

Time to see sense - 23 Aug 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] The giant world media bodies WAN-IFRA and the WEF have joined many others in the fight against media repression in South Africa - one of the few countries on the continent with any respect for the freedom of information. The organisations have addressed a joint open letter to President Jacob Zuma urging him to ensure the Protection of Information Bill and the Media Appeals Tribunal proposal are amended or disregarded altogether. read more

Zim - the ups and downs - 16 Aug 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] Economically, Zimbabwe is finally on the mend after adopting the US currency and opening up the market to imports. Politically, the country is still in a bit of turmoil with the inclusive government not quite seeing eye-to-eye on certain issues. read more    (1 Comment)

The media – get involved - 2 Aug 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] The 31st Durban International Film Festival drew to a close yesterday with the award winners in the annual competition being announced. Congratulations to those involved in producing The White Meadows (Iran) which won the top award of Best Feature Film. read more

Parenting/Business 101 - 26 Jul 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] It seems the Malawi Communication Regulatory Authority (MACRA) needs a few lessons in parenting, as one of the body's wards just won't listen and doesn't seem to be fooled by threats that they seem to regard as idle. Kids have a sixth sense in knowing when parents are bluffing, and they will call you out on it. read more

Halala Madiba, halala! - 19 Jul 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] Yesterday marked the 92nd birthday of internationally renowned leader, Nelson Mandela. Commemorating Mandela Day on 18 July began in 2009 as a global affair with organisers requesting people to celebrate the legacy of Nelson Mandela by using 67 minutes of the day to give back to society and help those in need. read more

It's time for Africa - 12 Jul 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] We came, we saw and we hosted one of the best, possibly the greatest, FIFA World Cup tournaments in the history of the event. It's all over now, but we've been left with great memories of the occasion that we will share with generations to come. read more

Great game Ghana! - 5 Jul 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] With the second World Journalism Education Congress and the 14th Highway Africa Conference running simultaneously in Grahamstown in South Africa, the usually sleepy hollow is now abuzz and is currently a hub for industry networking. For the next three days it is also a site rich with information for the budding journalist and the journo who's been around the block. read more

All play and no work - 28 Jun 2010

[Sindy Peters, Africa editor] With two weeks left of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, the big question is what comes after? It's going to be a bit of a downer once the fan parks and foreigners pack up and leave in preparation for 2014 in Brazil, but from the looks of things, Africa has done a great job at hosting the world. Ghana, our shining Black Stars will hopefully continue their good form and make it through to the semi-finals at least. read more

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