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Design Africa

Curb the counterfeits - 22 Feb 2010

[Sindy Peters, content manager] It appears that Zimbabwe has not seen the last of its woes with counterfeit products making the lives of manufacturers and business communities troublesome. These illegally produced products are finding their way into unsuspecting consumers' homes and one has to have an eagle eye to spot the difference. read more    (2 Comments)

No more nitty-gritty - 15 Feb 2010

[Sindy Peters, content manager] The focus these days seems to be solely on digital with innovations springing up every so often. The geniuses behind this technology seem to be always providing us with something bigger, better, but most of all...faster. read more

Future bodes well for Africa - 8 Feb 2010

[Sindy Peters, content manager] It seems the African markets' ability to withstand the economic crisis of last year will hold the continent's emerging markets in good stead during the decade to follow. According to a report released recently by Business Monitor International, emerging markets will see a sharp rise in consumer spending power and by 2018 should equal the developed world's GDP, contributing 50% to world GDP. read more

Media role for 2010 - 1 Feb 2010

[Sindy Peters, content manager] It seems the South African media are not about to roll over and commit to FIFA's terms and conditions for reporting on the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Three of the countries' biggest media groups have rallied together and maintain that FIFA's restrictions are "unjustifiable" and "unconstitutional". And right they are. read more

Journalism in Africa – no bed of roses - 25 Jan 2010

[Sindy Peters, content manager] While the new year may be brimming with positivity, being a journo in Africa is still no bed of roses. If Togo's Stanislas Ocloo were alive today, he'd agree with me whole-heartedly but he was recently gunned down in Angola along with three others during the 2010 African Cup of Nations. read more

Live and learn - 18 Jan 2010

[Sindy Peters, content manager] The 2010 FIFA World Cup sales process has been extended with a new phase to be launched 9 February to 7 April 2010. The entire process of obtaining tickets for the event has been a daunting one, specifically for the man in the street. read more

Hello 2010! - 11 Jan 2010

[Sindy Peters, content manager] Here we are at the beginning of a brand new year; 2010 has finally arrived. This year holds the dreams and aspirations of an African nation united in spirit as the continent hosts the 2010 FIFA World Cup. read more

So long 2009! - 14 Dec 2009

[Sindy Peters, content manager] You're reading my last editorial column for the year, and what a year it's been. Due to the global economic downturn many have had to work twice as hard this year and turning this final corner in December means that we've made it intact. read more

Woza 2010! - 7 Dec 2009

[Sindy Peters, content manager] Last Friday, Cape Town's infamous party district, Long Street played host to the 2010 World Cup Final Draw festivities as the more formal affair went on at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC). I was among the thousands who decided to brave the masses of people who turned up to celebrate the beginning of the final stretch to 2010 - the biggest world event that attracts more viewers than the Olympic Games. read more

Online – a necessary evil - 30 Nov 2009

[Sindy Peters, content manager] Whether Rupert Murdoch's threat to pull content from News Corp off Google and put up a pay wall on all content from the company's publications is idle or not, it has brought to the fore, yet again, the question of whether newsprint will survive the rise of the digital age. There's a definite growing fear that print publications will slowly phase out as decreasing revenues make them unsustainable. It's a huge conundrum that companies are facing and whatever has to be done needs to be done soon. read more

Beauty and the not so beautiful - 23 Nov 2009

[Sindy Peters, content manager] South Africa will for the second consecutive year host the 2009 Miss World pageant. Some believe the event is outdated and degrading to women while others see it as an opportunity for women to contribute meaningfully to the world through the charities supported by the Miss World Organisation; it has raised more than £250 million for children's charities in its 58-year run. While most of the contestants' answers revolve around world peace and saving the planet, both wonderful endeavours, the whole cattle-parading of women who are considered 'beautiful' by a panel of 'qualified' judges does seem like an antiquated event in our modern world. read more

Fighting crime for 2010 - 16 Nov 2009

[Sindy Peters, content manager] If you're making your way to South Africa next year for the 2010 FIFA World Cup and are nervous about the country's crime rate statistics marring your experience, well that's pretty understandable. The South African government however is making a concerted effort to ensure visitor safety during the World Cup period with 41 000 police officers being deployed during the event. I also noted a step up in security this morning on the South African railway line service, Metrorail, with a friendly security guard checking passenger tickets at almost every stop. read more

The power of mobile - 9 Nov 2009

[Sindy Peters, content manager] With less than a month away from the 62nd World Newspaper Conference, a number of top speakers have been announced as part of the line-up at this year's event; one of the most important, being Olivier Fleurot, CE at Publicis Events Worldwide. He'll be looking at advertising effectiveness on the web and how news sites need to offer a platform that focuses on quality rather than quantity if they're going to attract advertisers. read more

Another step into the 21st century - 2 Nov 2009

[Rod Baker, guest columnist] If any of you thought that Somaliland is little more than warlords and pirates, the news is that the embattled country has made a step into this century - they have just introduced their first debit card. OK, they're a bit behind the rest of us, but at least it shows that there could be a functioning economy lurking in the background, and if they can shed their very dubious image of being an essentially lawless society, then outsiders - and that could include potential investors - might just be persuaded to take a closer look at our dilemma on the Horn of Africa. Meanwhile, back in Tunisia, it seems that journalists might be fair game. The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) has condemned the beating of a Tunisian journalist, allegedly by police, and the arrest of another. When are Africa's authorities going to get it through their collective heads that this sort of thing does absolutely nothing for the continent's image? Freedom of the media and the freedom to do your job without being belted around the ear are part and parcel of a society that will tend to attract investments. read more

Ambush, pirate marketing - 26 Oct 2009

[Sindy Peters] The 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa will see many brand and product owners trying to push their consumables by associating their goods with the epic event. FIFA has already barred about 20 entrepreneurs, mainly from the Gauteng region of the country, from using 2010 as a name or part of the name for any advertisement or campaign to promote their businesses. read more

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