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Design Africa

Business in Africa - 19 Oct 2009

[Sindy Peters] The effects of the global economic downturn are evident everywhere from the number of companies undergoing liquidation, to unemployment figures rising sharply. However, things should be looking up all-round as Africa counts some of its losses and moves on. read more

Concerts with a cause - 12 Oct 2009

[Sindy Peters] Music festivals - they annually invade quiet little farm towns and for three days straight it's mostly all about sex, drugs and rock n' roll. Since Woodstock, when 500,000 fans descended on a dairy farm in Bethel, New York to promote music and peace, festivals such as these have always struck a cord with attendees in one way or another. read more

248 days and counting - 5 Oct 2009

[Sindy Peters] Fans of football worldwide, but most particularly in Africa, are counting down the days to the kick-off of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. With just 248 days to go, everything seems to be running smoothly and all systems are a-go. read more

Feeding Africa's imagination - 28 Sep 2009

[Sindy Peters] Loeries fever in South Africa has once again come and gone in 2009. I'm sure, though, that some of the more enthusiastic are still nursing a hangover ensuing from the four-day festivities that saw Cape Town's Long Street become even more alive than it usually is. read more

Escapism through reality? - 21 Sep 2009

[Sindy Peters] It appears the escape from our own mundane lives through reality TV has not become tired in Africa. The concept still draws viewers, and it draws them in huge numbers. read more

Light at the end of Zim tunnel - 14 Sep 2009

[Sindy Peters] Politics in Zimbabwe is still highly volatile with the new Unity Government not quite on amicable terms and accusations being thrown back and forth as a low-key power struggle continues. Business in Zimbabwe, however, is picking up and potential investors are seeing great prospects for the country. read more

Journalism governs Africa - 7 Sep 2009

[Sindy Peters] Journalism in Africa is at times one of the most risky professions in the world, and yet there are thousands out there who can't seem to put their notepads down. It is also one of the fields that Africa is excelling in most and maintaining pace with the rest of the world. read more

Revolutionised learning - 31 Aug 2009

[Sindy Peters] I've never participated in distance learning and am fairly sceptical about whether it is as beneficial a tool as traditional learning methods. Feedback from those who have tried distance learning through locally based institutions has been more negative than positive - so where does online learning fit in? Lyndi Lawson looks at distance learning and the internet and weighs up how the internet has revolutionised the education sector in a two-part series. read more

2010 helping hands on deck - 24 Aug 2009

[Sindy Peters] South Africans are eager to lend a helping hand during the FIFA 2010 World Cup with 47,251 applications already processed through There are specific functional areas in which volunteers will serve. read more

ICTs and censorship - 17 Aug 2009

[Sindy Peters] The Malawian government is about to crack the whip on information and communication technology through censorship. They're looking at reviewing outdated legislation and enforcing censorship laws on TV and Internet platforms. Much time, effort and money will be spent in the attempt to control the flow of digital information. read more

Don your thinking caps - 3 Aug 2009

[Sindy Peters] 2010 is now literally around the corner with less than a year to kick-off. If you're the sort who can always think of a brilliant money-making idea then this will definitely be your time to shine. read more

Goodbye to the digital divide? - 27 Jul 2009

[Sindy Peters] The 2009 edition of Trends in Newsrooms was released last week and apart from looking at ways in which to integrate new media into the newsroom it also looks at the role the internet plays in African journalism. Africa isn't quite as online as the rest of the world and while the internet may herald numerous advantages in the profession, the lack of access for a majority of the African population makes plugging those interesting new techniques difficult. read more

Congrats to Johan-Allan Namu - 20 Jul 2009

[Sindy Peters] Congratulations are in order for Kenya's Johan-Allan Namu who won the title of CNN Multichoice African Journalist 2009 over the weekend. Namu also made history by scooping both the Television News Award and Television Features Award for his work on Kenya Television News (KTN). read more

Invest in the African youth - 13 Jul 2009

[Sindy Peters] Africa's present youth are a resilient generation and they have to be in order to deal with their respective countries' political, social and economic difficulties. Each fights individual battles to make a success of their lives and some just to stay alive. read more

Finding sponsorship in tough economic times - 6 Jul 2009

[Sindy Peters] Finding a sponsor for any event during the economic downturn has now become a tricky activity. Large to medium businesses are handling their finances prudently in order to keep themselves economically stable in these uncertain times. read more

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