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 | TANIA BROUGHTON Minister Motsoaledi wanted leave to appeal a ruling that declared the termination of the Zimbabwean permit programme unlawful, unconstitutional and invalid... read |
 | LINDSEY SCHUTTERS Sibanye-Stillwater restructures South African PGM shafts in attempt to avoid large-scale job cuts... Read |
Business |
 | JEFF RYAN South Africa's 2024 Budget presented by Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana paints a picture of a challenging economic outlook with slow growth and high debt. While the government is taking steps to support growth through reforms and infrastructure investment, limited resources mean tough (or no) choices... Read |
 | NICK DICKSON Tourism is a catalyst for economic growth. It boosts job creation, cultivates entrepreneurship, generates revenue, and produces a multiplier effect that ripples through related sectors... Read |
 | ANDREW GOLDING Andrew Golding regrets the lack of extension for solar incentives, but overall, the National Budget is pragmatic, he says... Read |
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