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 | As the academic year commences, the Citrus Growers' Association of Southern Africa has announced a groundbreaking initiative – high schools across South Africa will now offer a qualification in citrus production... read |
 | VML launches the tenth edition of ‘The Future 100: 2024’ today…read |
|  | The Department of International Relations and Cooperation (Dirco) Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, will lead South Africa’s delegation at The Hague on Friday to hear the judgment on the genocide case against Israel...read |
 | Viticulture specialists have provided their second assessment for the upcoming 2024 wine grape harvest, presenting a detailed analysis of the current status of South Africa's vineyards... Read |
 | ELLA MORRISON, KIMBERLY MUTANDIRO, JOSEPH BRACKEN Province’s learners struggle for a school place, but KZN and Gauteng claim to be okay... Read |
 | TARRYN KNIGHT The narrative around EVs is finally evolving beyond the environmental benefits to focus on convenience and performance... Read |
Business |
 | South Africa's constitution explicitly acknowledges the country’s multiplicity of cultural and traditional beliefs, and many people consider these to be an integral part of their personal identity... Read |
 | Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi has called on employers to register their vacancies and available training opportunities on the department’s job placement platform - the Employment Services System of South Africa (Essa) - to help cushion the effects of poverty and unemployment... Read |
 | HARRY SCHERZER South African investors benefit from diversifying offshore due to a weak rand and underperforming local markets. However, banks' fees and lack of transparency pose challenges. Read |
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