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 | ANDREAS RINKE, SARAH MARSH, THOMAS ESCRITT AND MACDONALD DZIRUTWE Energy-hungry Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz courts Africa as crises elsewhere bite... read |
 | LINDSEY SCHUTTERS Cybercriminals ramped up their nefarious activities during the first half of 2023, EMEA receives most DDOS attacks... Read |
 | ANGE KASONGO Countries that are home to the world's three major rainforests agreed on Saturday to cooperate to overcome deforestation and safeguard biodiversity but fell short of a concrete alliance to protect the vital carbon sinks... Read |
 | Water and Sanitation Deputy Minister David Mahlobo will participate in a high-level ministerial panel discussion at the sixth edition of Cairo Water Week (CWW2023) in Cairo, Egypt this week... Read |
 | CHRISTIA SPEARS BROWN Forty-one states and the District of Columbia filed lawsuits against Meta... Read |
International |
 | Globally, poor mental health affects nearly one billion people, with an increase in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic and social-, financial-, and medical-access challenges. The insurance industry can alleviate this burden through mental-health coverage and wellness support. Read |
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