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 | Luxity has published its State of the Luxury Market in Africa report, which highlights that a key driver behind the continent's penchant for pre-owned luxury is that demand continues to grow faster than supply... read |
 | SOFIA CHRISTENSEN The deaths of 69 children from acute kidney injury in Gambia is linked to four cough syrups made in India and imported into the West African country...read |
|  | ANGE ABOA The initiative was set up after a 2018 declaration by Ivory Coast and Ghana, the world's two largest cocoa producers, to define a common sustainable cocoa strategy that would raise prices paid to farmers...read |
 | The increasing use of alternative payment methods, such as digital wallets and 'buy now pay later', are creating new fraud risks... Read |
 | Van der Linde is the first-ever DTM champion from South Africa and the first BMW winner since Marco Wittmann in 2016... Read |
 | Shein, which has been widely criticised for unsustainable production methods, has announced targets to reduce overall emissions across its value chain by 25% by 2030... Read |
 | African Bank welcomes all approval for acquisition of Grindrod Bank... Read |
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