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 | ISSUED BY KANTAR MTN surges up the Kantar BrandZ ranking to take the No.1 spot for the first time as South Africa's most valuable brand... Read |
 | JEFF RYAN Over the past two and a half years, we've been swarmed by the buzzwords of digital transformation. But there is no denying that the hard lockdowns in 2020 forced people and businesses to adopt more digital ways of working, whether they wanted to or not... Read |
 | MICHAEL GULLAN The success of an organisation rests on the quality of its leadership. Leaders - whether within teams, departments, or c-suite - set the tone, culture, and ultimately the success of your organisation. Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, in their book Extreme Ownership, explain that there are no bad teams, just bad leaders. Read |
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 | Since 1894, The Bata Group remains one of the world's leading manufacturers and retailers of quality footwear. Bata South Africa represents one of 70 countries worldwide with a Bata presence. |
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 | Accenture 10th Gender Mainstreaming Awards - 6 Oct 2022 , Gauteng and Nairobi
The 10th Gender Mainstreaming Awards, an initiative of Business Engage to recognise corporates and individuals that work towards more meaningful representation of women in the mainstream of business in Africa More info >> |