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 | Kevin Britz and Craig Page-Lee look at the trends that emerged from Cannes this year... Read |
 | PATRICK WERR Once known as a graveyard for tanks, an Egyptian mudflat east of the Suez Canal is being reclaimed for what its backers hope will be a vast industrial zone producing goods for export and the domestic market. Read |
 | ISSUED BY M&C SAATCHI ABEL Africa is being touted as the next big growth market for alcoholic beverages. But big brands hoping to tap into this growth must take a step back to make sure their messaging isn't being lost in the wake of Africa's cultural revolution... Read |
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 | Accenture 10th Gender Mainstreaming Awards - 6 Oct 2022 , Gauteng and Nairobi
The 10th Gender Mainstreaming Awards, an initiative of Business Engage to recognize corporates and individuals that work towards more meaningful representation of women in the mainstream of business in Africa More info >> |