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Marketing & Media Africa

Give us the good news

Among the bad news stories from Africa (ongoing famine, aid workers killed in South Sudan, etc,) there are always good news stories to balance it out. And Africa is full of good news stories that need to be told and headlined and made to go viral, to balance out the negative effect of that bad news which plays into a negative, stereotypical view of Africa. That ‘poverty, war-torn' narrative needs to change to that of the thriving, innovative, digital-led, mobile-first continent that we have become.
Exciting developments like Kenya's selling of government bonds via mobile; and how mobile innovation is reaching Africa's unbanked, are the stories that need to be told... how Africa's fibre demands are outstripping supply; and that dialogue is taking place on how to meet developmental needs on the continent using the internet through collaboration...
We are all responsible for changing the storyline for Africa, in broadcasting the more positive stories too, not only through the media, but our own timelines on social media, through conversations with contacts. Let's make sure the good news gets a headline too.

Have a great week!
Louise Marsland
Africa Editor: Bizcommunity.com

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