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Marketing & Media Africa

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Business pivotal to dealing with social inequalities in Africa
Business pivotal to dealing with social inequalities in Africa
Currently intra-Africa trade stands at a mere 12% compared with about 40% in North America and about 60% in Western Europe... read
World Bank announces USD57bn in financing for Africa
World Bank announces USD57bn in financing for Africa
The World Bank on Sunday announced $57 billion in financing for sub-Saharan Africa over the next three fiscal years... read
Orange launch in Burkina Faso.
Orange launches into Burkina Faso
Orange will pursue its development in mobile financial services and 3.75G mobile internet, strengthening its position in West Africa... read
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Nigeria: the next chapter?
Nigeria: the next chapter?

Charles Weller, Issued by Mindshare World

Nigeria presents an interesting tale of seemingly opposites in the African growth agenda. Simultaneously taking pole position as the largest economy in Africa in 2016 and yet suffering from its worst recession in 25 years is indicative of both the ups and downs that the country's economy has been through... read
Andrew Torre, Visa president for sub-Saharan Africa. Source:
How Africa's mobile revolution is reaching the unbanked

Nicci Botha

The continent's mobile banking revolution is only just beginning, and although payment systems are becoming more seamless, cash is still king in Africa... read
Mangsaab © –
The five biggest advances in media and marketing today

Ross Sergeant

The media world is changing more rapidly than ever before. Keep up... read
Know these top five marketing trends to travel in 2017
Know these top five marketing trends to travel in 2017

Stephen Marshal

With purchases happening online, the travel industry is going completely digital to expand its business beyond expectations. Here are a few trends for the year 2017 that you need to watch out for... read
Insel joins Dentsu Aegis Network
Insel joins Dentsu Aegis Network

Issued by Dentsu Aegis Network

ACCRA, Ghana - Insel Communications has announced its new affiliation with leading global advertising network Dentsu Aegis Network Sub-Saharan Africa... read
What your business can learn from the #NerdNation
What your business can learn from the #NerdNation

Gary Willmott

They wear black hoodies, live in California, write code and give quirky and inspiring TED Talks. Some build annoyingly addictive social media networks and have movies made about them... read
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New events to diarise
Split second crisis management and communication
The Reputation Go-to Guy - 23 Mar 2017 to 24 Mar 2017, Johannesburg

2017 Annual Africa Corporate Affairs Summit
Global Invest Group - 29 Mar 2017 to 30 Mar 2017, Johannesburg

Brand management for PR and communication professionals
PRISA - 29 Mar 2017, Randburg | 11 Jul 2017, Randburg

Documentary Photography
Orms Cape Town School of Photography - 25 Apr 2017 to 5 Sep 2017, Cape Town

Social media as source and platform
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 16 May 2017 to 17 May 2017, Johannesburg

Beverly Sills
"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going."

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Text messages are changing the game for farmers in Kenya and Uganda! https://t.co/kPyacpIt8P https://t.co/hmMONDLTDm
Our comprehensive Journalist Security Guide provides safety tips for journalists working in any environment. https://t.co/vSEvJCKOXB
RT @NatGeo: New software that aggregates huge amounts of data in real time could help protect wildlife from poachers in Africa https://t.co...
RT @BD_Africa: From pioneering M-Pesa agent to business magnate https://t.co/L2EL0z4kQ9 https://t.co/w8su7rcSp9
Monitoring your water consumption through your smartphone. https://t.co/7xgqkrb8H8 #Wastewater
About 800 million people do not have reliable access to clean drinking water https://t.co/UJExhznEjg #WorldWaterDay https://t.co/J0ktmalDcN
IBMVoice: How companies can use these four forces to become digital businesses https://t.co/73QEbvMBMP https://t.co/PAuxj2aINI
Facebook has introduced a fact-checking alert to fight 'disputed content' https://t.co/DwR3CsywcQ
13 Ways to Grow Your Social Media Audience in 2017 https://t.co/9kHma2rwgk #smm
Drone footage and VR show Ethiopian community get clean water for the first time https://t.co/1ZZSVekBqm... https://t.co/L1Mr84FT3o
Wondering how social media ties into your #SEO efforts? https://t.co/g5CaAU6vtq https://t.co/I6L6QsA8WA
J&J and Verizon join the growing crowd of marketers suspending all YouTube advertising https://t.co/D5CDxsZQQP https://t.co/CQSpMmUtkI
Facebook just changed the mobile web landscape by connecting its audience network to mobile header bidding... https://t.co/PKJWAk1Sac
Why @Marriott is a content marketing mecca -- CMO Strategy by @DrewNeisser https://t.co/BhjjdforGp https://t.co/b7gPIRrf31
1234 journalists have killed since 1992 according to our records. More than half were print and broadcast reporters... https://t.co/BZt6a9xPw2
Google is about to look a bit different on your smartphone https://t.co/ekt7EpRvsk
RT @TheEconomist: Just 5% of rural sub-Saharan Africa has access to piped water #WorldWaterDay https://t.co/Uapy33hfAe
Waves for Water educates people on the importance of water conservation and how to distribute clean drinking water.... https://t.co/nA29RYcTis
Airbnb's African takeover: One-on-One with founder Brian Chesky https://t.co/Ngg5yNVtoi By REBECCA DAVIS @becsplanb https://t.co/aVLY4V7HqC
A 5 Step Guide to Using Twitter for Business (via @Vistaprintweb) https://t.co/84JAiEBNQh #smm https://t.co/AFMN3UbFWt
"Leading CEOs recognize the importance of design and elevate it to the C-Suite." #design https://t.co/rBdOMk4ei2... https://t.co/RSiCmr959v
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