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Marketing & Media Africa

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22 ‘watchdog' projects in Africa win funding
22 digital and journalism ‘watchdog' projects across Africa win $1 million in funding and technology support… read
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Here's a free tool for valuing your startup

Tom Jackson

Nigerian company CompexAfrica has launched a free online business valuation tool for startup owners… read
Dakar. Image by 123RF
Africa's first city ‘Resilience Strategy' unveiled for Dakar
Dakar unveils Africa's first ‘Resilience Strategy' in Partnership with 100 resilient cities… read
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The death of 3D TVs
What happened to the 3D TV phenomena? Word is, leading manufacturers are phasing out their sets… read
BizTrends 2017
#BizTrends2017: Programmatic promise for South African marketers
#BizTrends2017: Programmatic promise for South African marketers

Jaco Lintvelt

The competition for consumer's attention between brands in the digital media space is ever increasing and everywhere you go today on the internet there is some form of advertising following you... read
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Five top market research trends for 2017
Five top market research trends for 2017
SmartSurvey, a UK-based provider of digital survey solutions, has published its five emerging trends in market research and what will drive success in 2017... read
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Digital marketing trends for 2017

Stephen Sandmann

I'm more or less a self-taught digital marketer. It's my curiosity, risk-taking nature and creativity that got me to where I am today and that led me to ask the question, 'What should we look out for in 2017 when it comes to digital marketing?'. read
Beats by Dre.
Building your brand through the power of storytelling

Nicole Shapiro

People love stories and, for as long as people have walked the earth, across all cultures, storytelling has been an important fabric of society... read

Design Month
Ugde © –
Demystifying design thinking

Dave Nemeth

The term “design thinking” has certainly become a buzzword with many people using it and promoting this methodology as an innovative new way of thinking. Whilst it is becoming widely accepted by many corporate companies it is certainly by no means new... read
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Zimbabwe slaps VAT on basic foodstuffs
Zimbabwe slaps VAT on basic foodstuffs
Zimbabwe started levying a 15 percent value-added tax on basic foodstuffs Wednesday, the government said, dealing a further blow to cash-strapped consumers... read
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New events to diarise
Lightroom introduction
Orms Cape Town School of Photography - 21 Feb 2016 to 7 Mar 2017, Cape Town | 20 Feb 2017 to 6 Mar 2017, Cape Town

Law@work, UCT Faculty of Law - 15 Feb 2017 to 26 Apr 2017, Cape Town

InDesign Pro Skills
Multidimensions - 6 Mar 2017, Johannesburg

Pixel Up! UX Conference 2017
8 May 2017 to 10 May 2017, Cape Town

Public Relations Writing
Provox Centre for Public Relations and Communicati - 15 May 2017 to 19 May 2017, Ferndale, Randburg | 3 Jul 2017 to 7 Jul 2017, Ferndale, Randburg | 18 Sep 2017 to 22 Sep 2017, Ferndale, Randburg

Shakti Gawain
"You create your opportunities by asking for them."

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Your brain may be wired to believe fake news: https://t.co/YxGhvGVd0s https://t.co/N2OCtrgdB4
RT @tamihultman: There's hope for #SouthSudan, other war-torn states. Proper invst'mnts/policies can turn around worst places. JPrendergast…
The 5 biggest mistakes millennials are making with their money: https://t.co/yGKzejfxFc https://t.co/6qcX760Yys
Infrastructure design can be quirky too. Take a look: https://t.co/obIAahdBrg https://t.co/uIwq9s4PyT
Your How-To Manual for Stories from Instagram and Snapchat [Infographic] (via @irfanahmad1989)… https://t.co/8zIrn5Wkqu
RT @rashweatm: Instead of crying over USA travel ban, African leaders must confront problems in their backyard, make it possible for people…
Facebook is investing in video, virtual reality and messaging https://t.co/sfQ5N6WpL4 https://t.co/8MdZjgcoCo
7 Way to Boost Your Company's LinkedIn Presence (Without Paid Ads) https://t.co/9BpfAaBqLA #smm https://t.co/AX0pb3u7s3
Zimbabwe: Pastor Evan Mawarire's difficult second act https://t.co/J8XizCvbhl By SIMON ALLISON @simonallison
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