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Amr Kamel
Will next-gen technologies like AI, mixed reality aid in social good?
[Amr Kamel] Mobile and cloud platforms, in particular, have acted as catalysts in bringing last-mile communities access to key healthcare, financial, education and other previously inaccessible services… read
Image by 123RF
The role of apps in the digital transformation journey

Gavin Holme

Whether businesses use the cloud, on-premise systems, or an amalgamation of both, digital transformation is happening – and applications are playing a rather big role… read
Evelyn Okakwu and Dapo Olorunyomi
War of words with Nigerian army lands journalists in jail
The harassment of journalists in recent times is completely antithetical to democratic values and norms at the core of which are the rights to free speech and media freedom… read
Robert N'gan'ga
WPP Scangroup appoints new creative head
Integrated Advertising and Communications agency, WPP-Scangroup has appointed Robert N'gan'ga as the new creative head… read
BizTrends 2017
#BizTrends2017: The five digital trends that will shape your year
#BizTrends2017: The five digital trends that will shape your year

Tom Fels

With so much at stake, and so much change to consider, here are some of the trends that are re-writing the rule books for 2017… read
#BizTrends2017: Radio still thriving in a digital world
#BizTrends2017: Radio still thriving in a digital world

Karl Gostner

Far from killing the radio star, digital has enhanced radio's offering to audiences and advertisers alike… read
#BizTrends2017: Reimagine work, redefine productivity
#BizTrends2017: Reimagine work, redefine productivity

Lauren Hartzenberg

We are in the midst of a technological revolution, and it's not only blurring the lines between the physical and digital spheres but between how we live and work... read
More trends...
Digital transformation needs strategic planning
Digital transformation needs strategic planning
Charl Ueckermann, CEO at AVeS Cyber Security, urges companies to prioritise the handling of digital transformation trends to fit their overall business strategies and not be caught off guard... read
Research indicates agency trading desks facing competition
Research indicates agency trading desks facing competition
The World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) has released its research on how clients are evolving their programmatic partners, with its key finding that advertisers are demanding greater control and transparency... read
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Copy-editing and Proofreading
SA Writers College - 14 Nov 2016, Countrywide | 21 Nov 2016, Countrywide | 28 Nov 2016, Countrywide | 5 Dec 2016, Countrywide | 19 Dec 2016, Countrywide | 9 Jan 2017, Countrywide | 23 Jan 2017, Countrywide | 30 Jan 2017, Countrywide | 6 Feb 2017, Countrywide | 27 Feb 2017, Countrywide

SEO professional certification course
BlueMagnet - 15 Mar 2017 to 17 Mar 2017, Cape Town | 8 May 2017 to 10 May 2017, Johannesburg

Business writing
Provox Centre for Public Relations & Communication - 10 Apr 2017 to 12 Apr 2017, Johannesburg | 4 Oct 2017 to 6 Oct 2017, Johannesburg

Pixel Up! UX Conference 2017
8 May 2017 to 10 May 2017, Cape Town

Managing media relations and media conferences
Provox Centre for Public Relations and Communicati - 31 May 2017 to 1 Jun 2017, Ferndale, Randburg | 4 Sep 2017 to 6 Sep 2017, Cape Town | 13 Sep 2017 to 15 Sep 2017, Ferndale, Randburg

Juliana Hatfield
"If you want to achieve things in life, you've just got to do them, and if you're talented and smart, you'll succeed."

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African Union must stand with the oppressed, not Morocco https://t.co/vodpq3k3lr By RHULANI THEMBI SIWEYA @thmbirhu
The Facebook generation: how growing up online shapes their lives https://t.co/7Ac4uMXLrD https://t.co/z4ZUrLQPUY
RT @akin_adesina: Africa must unlock growth with its own resources & boost the private sector. Africa can no longer develop based on the be…
Your How-To Manual for Stories from Instagram and Snapchat [Infographic] (via @irfanahmad1989)… https://t.co/mjAGBWIbKA
"If people knew their stories, I don't think there would be so many walls" @melissarfleming #refugeeshttps://t.co/1vqusiXD1Y
Analysis: Morocco's big African Union win comes at the expense of Western Sahara and South Africa https://t.co/ge1yrcEC8Q By @simonallison
Mobile Phones Offer a New Way for Africa's Students to Learn Programming: https://t.co/4xGyHUmZgQ #Africa
Africa: Africa Needs to Manage Food, Water and Energy in a Way That Connects All Three https://t.co/TBlxEm0ElC #Africa #Business
#BizTrends2017: The five digital trends that will shape your year https://t.co/wRT0l1VxEK by Tom Fels/@thomasfels https://t.co/2WQDGRKId5
The needs of migrants worldwide have never been greater. Follow @UNmigration for updates & see:… https://t.co/dfBhKidjWT
RT @RichardPeets: Most Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes And How To Avoid Them https://t.co/M5qNbx9tVf #SocialMediaMarketing #Marketin
How to Improve Your Social Engagement Without Ads [Infographic] https://t.co/flBbPUTVIF https://t.co/rPFj4rmlcF
Govt Admits Over One Million Face Food Shortage: https://t.co/CIVaaVnqJS #Tanzania https://t.co/dmcrj1Lqin
RT @pauldaugh: Our primary tech trend for 2017? People. Read why: #techvision2017 https://t.co/Qek5GmQ9Vf
Mobile working in healthcare sector linked to improved productivity https://t.co/APH9ZlARSf #Mobile #ICTAfricahttps://t.co/XWTNdsWFiN
Union? What Union? Africa Ever More Divided: https://t.co/8iM9JX0cJJ #Africa
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