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Marketing & Media Africa

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Africa's economic prospects in 2017 - 10 countries to watch
[J. Peter Pham] These are the top 10 African economies to watch in 2017 when evaluating Africa's economic prospects… read
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African online shopping trends in 2017
Here are some of the key findings of The 2017 Global Online Consumer report by KPMG... read
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Business advisory services for Africa
EY creates borderless advisory services across Africa, India and the Middle East to support business growth… read
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Image by 123RF
ECA, NEPAD launch investors' guide for Africa infrastructure
Africa will need about 360 billion dollars by 2040 to apply the planned ‘16-16-16' infrastructure development programme in Africa… read
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How to contribute to investing in Africa's youth
Call for Papers for AU ECHO 2017 with the theme, ‘Harnessing the Demographic Dividend through Investments in Youth'… read
BizTrends 2017
#BizTrends2017: The future of media planning is about the customer journey
#BizTrends2017: The future of media planning is about the customer journey

Graham Deneys

This year sees not only the disruption, but total destruction of our comfort zones in media, warns Graham Deneys, strategy director at Carat... read
John Little
#BizTrends2017: Agencies need to observe, respond to marketers' changing needs

John Little

There is ever-increasing pressure on marketers globally to run 'efficient and effective' campaigns that deliver immediate marketing ROI, says veteran adman John Little, regional managing partner of The Observatory International... read
#BizTrends2017: The year of living simply
#BizTrends2017: The year of living simply

Rudy Hassiem

How to simplify the marketing conversation and really know your customer, advises Rudy Hassiem, managing director of Brandnew Creative Agency… read
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New events to diarise
Law@work, UCT Faculty of Law - 15 Feb 2017 to 26 Apr 2017, Cape Town

Lightroom for photographers
Orms Cape Town School of Photography - 20 Feb 2017, Cape Town

Advanced investigative journalism
IAJ - Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 3 Jul 2017, Johannesburg

Social media and content marketing
PRISA - 26 Jul 2017 to 27 Jul 2017, Randburg, Johannesburg

Media law and ethics
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 29 Aug 2017 to 31 Aug 2017, Johannesburg

Elbert Hubbard
"Positive anything is better than negative nothing."

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Today's African #proverb: What you do not know how to cook finishes the firewood. An Acholi proverb sent by Maryano Otto, Kampala, Uganda
IBMVoice: Move over millennials: Generation Z is the retail industry's next big buying group… https://t.co/y7ryGMIyA9
Gambia continues to be in lockdown on Wednesday after Yahya Jammeh declares state of emergency… https://t.co/l9PmRYTjJA
3 Ways to Ensure Your Content Appeals to International Markets (via @igniteactionco) https://t.co/k4I42FuoRr https://t.co/rw3OuelGv1
3 risks your organization might face in 2017—and how to respond: https://t.co/ijgD6HrM2C https://t.co/QeuK467keI
How to Make Beautiful and Effective Infographics https://t.co/35jW1lQGEz #content https://t.co/6bMTa9ihoA
The Gambia's Yahya Jammeh's term extended by parliament https://t.co/TktbTYJHp7
RT @siyafrica: #OpenData can help create $3trn a yr of value in 7 areas of the global economy UNECA Africa Director Oliver Chinganya #UNDat
RT @siyafrica: The 'Making official stats open by default' panel will also see the launch of the Africa Data Revolution Report #UNDataForum
Some of the latest contemporary designs & unconventional forms employed in the construction of bridges:… https://t.co/nIwA8901wr
The beautiful stone in your shoe | https://t.co/bBstrpM8Pz by Damon Stapleton/@d_stapleton, insights from… https://t.co/S8iES459IL
Reports say that the internet is blocked in Cameroon's English-speaking region of Bamenda https://t.co/Mv0SpGmj28 #BBCAfricaLive
8 Tips for Creating More Effective Tweets (from Twitter) https://t.co/c3PI7nrTID #socialmedia https://t.co/T9qgNMAnV0
Lonely Planet Names Ethiopia Among Top Ten Destinations: https://t.co/EHcTgVvY8B #Ethiopia https://t.co/eZ0hozScV6
Tourists being evacuated from Gambia as crisis deepens. https://t.co/nQ5r97SBKc
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