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#BizTrends2017: The trends that will affect all business
[dave nemeth] Trend forecaster and design thinker, Dave Nemeth, lists the smörgåsbord of trends that will have an effect on almost all business... read
BizTrends 2017
#BizTrends2017: The top 100 emerging consumer trends
#BizTrends2017: The top 100 emerging consumer trends
Every year, JWT Intelligence releases its report of the 100 things that will trend in the year to come. The 'Future 100' report from the Innovation Group analyses emerging consumer behaviour... read
#BizTrends2017: The shift from the experience economy to the transformation economy
#BizTrends2017: The shift from the experience economy to the transformation economy

Claudia Roth

The world is in a silent revolution. Global consciousness is growing. Passion for mindless luxury is waning. Consumers are increasingly mindful of not only what their chosen product gives them, but how it makes them feel... read
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New digital African accelerator launched
Entrepreneurial support organisation Africa Startup Ecosystem has launched a digital accelerator that will assist startups with product development, marketing and funding… read
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The UK is committing £1m to support start-ups in Egypt
The UK is committing £1 million for three years between 2017-20 to support new and existing social start-ups in Egypt… read
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Africa's first field trial of optical communications technology
Nokia and Ooredoo Algeria achieve transmission rate of 1 Terabit-per-second in Africa's first field trial of new optical technology… read
Samsung launches $150m early-stage startups fund
Samsung launches $150m early-stage startups fund

Tom Jackson

Samsung has launched its Samsung NEXT Fund, a $150 million venture capital investment fund aimed at supporting early-stage startups globally... read
Ethiopian Airlines announces new flights to link Africa and China
Ethiopian Airlines announces new flights to link Africa and China
Ethiopian Airlines has concluded preparations for new flight links to Chengdu, the capital of China's Sichuan province, three times weekly starting 3 June 2017... read
Firms push envelope with bright ideas to deliver energy to Africa
Firms push envelope with bright ideas to deliver energy to Africa

Tsakane Ngoepe and Tine Henriksen

The Africa Progress Panel said in 2015 that in terms of current trends, it would take until 2080 for every African to have access to electricity... read
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New events to diarise
Creative writing for the media
Public Relations Institute for Public Relations - 7 Feb 2017 to 9 Feb 2017, Johannesburg | 15 Aug 2017 to 17 Aug 2017, Johannesburg

Public Relations Management
Provox Centre for Public Relations and Communicati - 20 Feb 2017 to 24 Feb 2017, Windhoek | 6 Mar 2017 to 10 Mar 2017, Ferndale, Randburg | 13 Mar 2017 to 17 Mar 2017, Cape Town | 23 Oct 2017 to 27 Oct 2017, Ferndale, Randburg

InDesign Pro Skills
Multidimensions - 6 Mar 2017, Johannesburg

Creative Writing in PR
Provox Centre for Public Relations & Communication - 26 Jun 2017 to 27 Jun 2017, Johannesburg | 30 Oct 2017 to 31 Oct 2017, Johannesburg

Handling the media
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism (IAJ) - 25 Oct 2017 to 27 Oct 2017, Johannesburg

Henry Hazlitt
"A strong passion for any object will ensure success, for the desire of the end will point out the means."

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Instagram has gained 100 million new users in the last 6 months https://t.co/YuvVsZvPul #socialmedia https://t.co/gVfxtXWc0L
Why Instagram Matters to Marketing [Infographic] https://t.co/fbyefIx5Xl #smm https://t.co/vQM4QoqcNr
Could we also have an order that no private radio stations should be shut down? #TheGambia #Jammeh https://t.co/iDWlJdLtTJ
RT @WhiteHouse: "Change only happens when ordinary people get involved, get engaged, and come together to demand it.” —@POTUS
RT @DrJoeAbah: Governance, properly done, should not serve any agenda except the good of the people. https://t.co/In10QD5GRX
Nigeria Reclaims Africa's Top Oil Producer Spot https://t.co/GJXVI1LVkM https://t.co/QR0FRQoJkL
Don't fear robots or artificial intelligence—fear politicians https://t.co/7YASoOnvYL https://t.co/UvcYbjnCae
RT @CNN: Obama quotes Atticus Finch: “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…" https://t.co/
U.S. Singer Demi Lovato Bonds With Elephants in Kenya: https://t.co/5OhImwZouy https://t.co/Y2xvlWVS7r
If Africa Is Serious About a Free Trade Area It Needs to Act Quickly, and Differently: https://t.co/NzJUpoIv0s #Africa
Why Bill Gates is More Optimistic Than Ever About Africa https://t.co/x7h9BbR72w https://t.co/PeyJRhX12B
Growth, Trump, and Debt in Africa - Key Economic Trends to Watch in 2017: https://t.co/bkOhEJiV5x #Africa
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