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Call for agriculture to be central to Africa's development
Over 300 participants attended the African Economic Conference this week, with the theme, 'Feed Africa: Towards Agro-Allied Industrialization for Inclusive Growth'... read
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Is traditional advertising really dead?

David Karega

Brands could be focusing on the wrong goal post, says David Karega, a communication specialist at Hill+Knowlton Strategies in Kenya... read
Lesotho: How mobile technologies are saving thousands
The Vodafone Foundation announced a mobile-based HIV programme in Lesotho to treat those living with HIV... read
Marrakesh, Morocco. Image by 123RF
African PR awards launched
Holmes Report and APRA launch first Africa SABRE competition for the public relations industry... read
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Visa and Nest launch FinTech bootcamp for Africa
The Visa Bootcamp will power collaboration opportunities between early stage technology companies, Visa and financial institutions from across Africa for potential integration... read
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Egypt sees 'three-year strategy' to revive economy
Egypt has an ambitious three-year reform plan that, with foreign help, can revive its struggling economy, the minister of international cooperation said... read
Falara © -
#Influencerchange: Think like an influencer

Leigh Andrews

"You can't predict anyone's work load for the day, we pad out our budgets to avoid hiccups down the line and deadlines are just crazy." This description would fit almost any business today... read
Facebook, Instagram marketing partner launches in sub-Saharan Africa
Facebook, Instagram marketing partner launches in sub-Saharan Africa
StitcherAds, a global Facebook and Instagram marketing partner, has launched its services in the sub-Saharan Africa region... read
Business 2020: It's not about you, it's about them

Julia Ahlfeldt

If 2016 taught us anything it is that it is essential to fully understand who your customers - or target audiences - are. The shock Brexit and USA election outcomes are both cases in point... read
Mirko Vitali © -
How to do impossible things

Damon Stapleton

It has been an interesting week. The world may run out of Guinness. As I write this Ireland have just beaten the All Blacks 40 - 29 in Chicago. It is the first time they have done this in 111 years. To continue the surreal sporting theme, Andy Murray, has become the number one tennis player in the world... read
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New events to diarise
InDesign basic to intermediate
Multidimensions - 1 Mar 2017, Johannesburg

Adobe Creative Cloud
Multidimensions - 7 Mar 2017, Johannesburg

Handling the media
Institute for the Advancement of Journalism (IAJ) - 29 Mar 2017 to 31 Mar 2017, Johannesburg

Core interviewing skills
IAJ - Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 9 May 2017 to 10 May 2017, Johannesburg

Mobile journalism
IAJ - Institute for the Advancement of Journalism - 12 Sep 2017 to 13 Sep 2017, Johannesburg

Warren Beatty
"You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what you're doing is work or play."

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See Pantone's 2017 color of the year https://t.co/ZSPlPHCY65
Giraffe populations plummeted by nearly 40% over 30 years in what a conservation group calls "silent extinction"... https://t.co/apRYclnlNH
President Obama will appear on Monday's episode of 'The Daily Show With Trevor Noah' https://t.co/hpVREjz9Ku
We're correcting history to get more notable women on @Wikipedia, like Uganda's rebel queen Muhumuza #100womenwiki https://t.co/MV5lEZIpvb
What's the Difference Between Buyer Personas and Demographics? (by @kayak360) https://t.co/R6I5K4X3s6 #smm https://t.co/oUY8qOw63d
Queer Africa II will feature artwork by local designer & embroiderer extraordinaire, @Fiance_Knowles.... https://t.co/R6OzFcm01X
Here is TIME's pick for the Instagram photographer of 2016 https://t.co/v7tKwu8zVv
Nigeria turns to farming as oil boom fades and hunger sets in https://t.co/FSlZFawxyY https://t.co/0Skksg5lNx
#Madagascar's vanilla industry soured by child labour and poverty https://t.co/nDez7CEbaq via @GdnDevelopment
Africa: Governments Urged to Implement Agricultural Policies https://t.co/LKhmnGosdB #Africa #Business
5 New Social Platform Features You Need to Know About https://t.co/JVGl8WhOQ0 #socialmediamarketing https://t.co/5rb2wi4aNA
Rwanda hosts regional preparatory meeting for ITU https://t.co/azYZjpye5E
RT @SaharaReporters: BREAKING: Ghanaian Voters Pick Opposition Candidate, Nana Akufo-Addo, As New President | Sahara Reporters https://t.co...
HP Inc.Voice: Three ways to reinvent for the fourth industrial revolution @snigro123 @HP https://t.co/YCnUuJek5X https://t.co/DoEGymsBdL
Trump and Africa - an opportunity amid the uncertainty? https://t.co/LYGZnj69uf By RONAK GOPALDAS @RonakGopaldas
Critical thinking: what is it? And why does it matter? https://t.co/DKGedE5b1d #leadership https://t.co/xdvAaRlzmM
Disrupting the gendered nature of wearable tech: https://t.co/Tz1FoGukes https://t.co/4etX8icGnA
African PR awards launched https://t.co/PLnDtgM1CS via @Biz_Africa
Tanzania: Youth Encouraged to Practice Modern Farming, Beekeeping https://t.co/p10LsrXggj #Africa #Business
Tanzania: Barclays Africa Group Invests 32 Billion/ - Into Its Dar es Salaam Branch https://t.co/rkVaxECKoB #Africa #Business
Is traditional advertising really dead? https://t.co/VYVLrjicCq by David Karega via @Biz_Africa
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