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Marketing & Media Africa

BizToday's top stories
Justin B. Smith
Bloomberg Media launches Africa edition
Bloomberg has announced the launch of Bloomberg.com/Africa, a regional edition of Bloomberg's flagship media service... read
Michele McCann
ShowMax announces peering agreement with NAPAfrica
ShowMax, an internet-based subscription video on demand service, has announced that it is now connected to NAPAfrica Johannesburg, the largest internet exchange point (IXP) in Africa... read
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East Africa conference on burgeoning content industry
Broadcast, film and music professional meeting opens next week in Nairobi... read
Ogilvy Africa named most creative agency in Kenya
Ogilvy Africa named most creative agency in Kenya
Ogilvy Africa agency bags 20 prizes in Kenya's APA Awards, strengthening its position as the most creative integrated agency in Africa... read
Image by 123RF
Africa plays a crucial role in global geopolitical balances
Africa is a primary interlocutor in managing the migration crisis, in settling local conflicts and is a fundamental point of reference in promoting the coexistence of different religions... read
Image by 123RF
#AfricaCom Kirusa's InstaVoice service surpasses 100 million monthly active users
Kirusa yesterday announced at AfricaCom, that its InstaVoice service has reached the remarkable landmark of 100 million monthly active users. read
#Africacom Eutelsat unveils 'Konnect Africa' brand for satellite broadband venture
#Africacom Eutelsat unveils 'Konnect Africa' brand for satellite broadband venture
A new identity for Eutelsat's satellite broadband venture in advance of commercial launch of services in 2017... read
Facebook buys social media buzz tracker
Facebook buys social media buzz tracker
Facebook on Friday announced it has bought startup CrowdTangle, which specializes in tracking hot content on social networks for media agencies and others... read
#IABCAfrica16: Time to think outside the communications box
#IABCAfrica16: Time to think outside the communications box

Beverley Klein

Developing a strategic plan and reputation management were some of the key topics during the IABC Conference recently held at the Vineyard Hotel... read
Somchai Jongmeesuk © -
#INMAAfrica: How mobile fits into the publishing puzzle

Leigh Andrews

"We're a print publication, we don't need mobile." While this may be true for now, current trends indicate that you can't afford to keep your head in the sand about the changing publishing model a moment longer, particularly in Africa... read
Making complaints work for your business
Making complaints work for your business
No matter how brilliant your business is, at some stage someone is going to complain. It's how you deal with it that counts... read
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New events to diarise
Short course in business writing
www.enterprises.up.ac.za - 21 Nov 2016 to 23 Nov 2016, Pretoria

Social media marketing for photographers workshop
Orms Cape Town School of Photography - 22 Nov 2016, Cape Town

Customer Focused Management
NES Consulting - 14 Dec 2016 to 16 Dec 2016, Johannesburg

Photoshop basic to intermediate
Multidimensions - 7 Feb 2017, Cape Town

Essentials of broadcast management
Sol Plaatje Institute - 13 Feb 2017 to 17 Feb 2017, Grahamstown

Josh Billings
"Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing those you hold well."

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DRC: Joseph Kabila's friend with benefits https://t.co/Bf0YJuSahi By SIMON ALLISON @simonallison
Intel IoT PartnershipVoice: What happens to communities when streetlights join the Internet of Things?... https://t.co/O6ZLSCffsr
Protect your online privacy with these 6 simple tools: https://t.co/vCa8wI34yZ https://t.co/oWrQrFvcqv
Missing Journalist Found Dead: https://t.co/HuV1BrUJ6R #Nigeria
Facebook Announces Analytics for Messenger Bots, Tests 'Rooms' in Messenger https://t.co/y5KvJAyHl1 #socialmedia... https://t.co/Ood36OPITO
#AfricaCom: Africa's tech #startup funding landscape in numbers: @DisruptAfrica report https://t.co/4KVZKDXsam by... https://t.co/Xqkm8NDfEB
Today's African #proverb: Hot soup should be eaten slowly. An Igbo proverb sent by Dr Kanu Chinomnso Oji, Benin City, Nigeria
amaBhungane: Namibian airline allegedly covered up R6m fraud by one of its top executives https://t.co/7VIBcfq6lc By @amaBhungane
Ericsson bets on fast-growing broadband demand in Africa https://t.co/60hzaeVeLm #Africa #business #news
RT @UNFCCC: Media center at @UN Climate Conference #COP22 bustling with journalists after Heads of State and Government and Ministers have...
RT @AfDB_Group: Reaffirming Power Africa's contribution of US $11 million to the Sustainable Energy Fund for #Africa https://t.co/5f3QdK426...
Food Crisis Threatens Nigerian Children's Lives https://t.co/MGiJLtYMdq #Nigeria https://t.co/TdqnkgR7tH
Internet Freedom - More Arrests, No Blackouts: https://t.co/PnHMgTX8xd #Sudan
Mozambique: Govt 'Has Taken Very Important Steps' - IMF https://t.co/tamHc9gNo1 #Africa #Business
5 Actionable Social Media Takeaways from the Customer Service Summit (by @dgingiss) https://t.co/IcD5OzkE1i #smm https://t.co/Tv5OQENBQL
SAPVoice: Making the next moves with blockchain https://t.co/OmSs9xKgQ7 @SAP https://t.co/3W0wfViE3p
Bloomberg Media launches Africa edition https://t.co/6P3s4QuFzL via @Biz_Africa https://t.co/y8QQHAoGm0
RT @ReutersBiz: Oil demand won't peak before 2040, despite Paris deal: IEA https://t.co/j0oPOt6zWL
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